Emotionally Compromised (Emotionally Compromised Series)

Emotionally Compromised (Emotionally Compromised Series) by A. Rosa Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Emotionally Compromised (Emotionally Compromised Series) by A. Rosa Read Free Book Online
Authors: A. Rosa
huff instead. How mature of you.
    "Not only are you beautiful, but adorable when you're angry."
    I feign anger. "Trust me, Jeremy. You do not want to see me angry." I notice his hand is still on my knee. I petulantly lift it off my leg. He twists his lips in protest to express his distaste. "You said you wouldn't touch me. You need to keep your promise, and your distance."
    "Why do you keep saying things like that?" His frustration shows as we pull into an underground parking garage.
    I sound like a broken record. "I wish I could tell you. Consider it for your safety."
    Again, there is this pang of regret as I hear the words come out of my mouth. I am already breaking so many rules. How can I fix any of this anymore? Suddenly , it hits me. Maybe I could somehow convince Derek to let Jeremy in on this case. He could help us. Derek will think I am crazy, but maybe it could work. Hell, even I know it sounds crazy.
    Why is she still pushing me away? This still can't be about Marcus. I mean, she chose to be here with me. Why all these warnings? She talks a lot of talk , but her actions have me confused. I've known her for such a short period and already I have moments where I'd rather broker a multimillion-dollar deal than figure out what this damned girl is telling me. Are women literal creatures? I have to admit this is not my forte.
    She drags behind me, but with a hint of a smile playing on her lips that easily keeps me interested. Dammit, Hunt, you have it bad.
    The older gentleman , who sits behind the security counter, clears my entrance into the building. "Good day, Mr. Hunt."
    "Hello , Mitchell."
    The man is in his mid-seventies and can't hide his judgments even if he tried. He eyes the way I hold Alex's somewhat reluctant hand and pull her to the elevators. Yeah, yeah, Mitchell, think whatever you want, you old coot.
    Alex begins another plea. "Jeremy, please listen to me. I don't know if this is such a good idea right now." She bobs on her heels.
    "Stop telling me things like that. Don't you get it? I don't care." I am getting frustrated.
    Her teeth reach out and grab her bottom lip yet again , and I practically ache to taste that lip. Did I mention all sorts of frustrated?
    The door pings open , and she manages to free her hand from mine as she scoots inside. Well, at least she isn't running.
    This is such a new phenomenon to me. I have never doubted myself so much in my life, but I also have never wanted anything so bad ly either.
    I step inside , right in front of her, looking into her hazel eyes. They practically twinkle with electricity in the fluorescent light as it catches their gold color. The doors shut behind me, and the air in the small space becomes thick. The temperature rises from the heat of our bodies in the confines of the ascending metal box.
    She is trying her hardest to look anywhere but at me , and it makes me grin.
    Still looking away, she huffs, "I think you may be the most frustrating man I have ever met too."
    I analyze her features, completely in awe of her, and I still don't know why. Maybe because you always want what you can't have. My reasons most definitely include her button nose, high, rosy cheekbones, wide puppy eyes, and waves of black locks that beg to be played with.
    As if losing patience with the silence , she peers up at me. Her eyes widen at the eye contact, and her playful smirk is back, causing the corner of my mouth to rise too. The attraction is there, I can sense it. Our stare is like a tractor beam neither of us can break. I want to kiss her.
    "Don't even think about it , Jeremy." Did she just read my mind? "Yeah, it's that obvious, and I am telling you, don't do it."
    My eyebrows shoot up in wry amusement, but it's as if she is daring me . I lean toward her. She doesn't take a step back, but instead raises her hand and places it on my chest in a haphazard attempt to stop me.
    "Will you ever listen to a damn word I say?" She nearly growls, but oddly

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