
Raw by Jo Davis Read Free Book Online

Book: Raw by Jo Davis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jo Davis
breathing evened out. Satisfied she was in a deep sleep, he slipped from the bed. First, he disposed of the condom and cleaned up in the bathroom, then dressed as quietly as possible before heading out of her apartment.
    Making sure to leave her door unlocked so he could get back in, he hurried the few doors to his apartment and grabbed a small cloth bag from his nightstand drawer. After pouring the tiny items inside into his hand, he made his way back to her place in record time.
    Once there, he undressed again in case she awoke. It would be easier to cover his actions that way. Sneaking around her apartment, he did what he’d originally come here to do—and felt like a complete piece of shit for it the whole time. When he was finished, he retrieved his iPhone from his jeans, went into the living room, and sent a text.
    Everything is in place here.
    From Simon, he received,
We’re good on this end.
    This sucks.
    I know, bro. Hang tight.
    He’d try. For now, that’s all he could do.
    Anna awoke to a handsome face smiling into hers. Despite her grogginess, she couldn’t help but smile back. “Hey, there.”
    â€œHey, gorgeous.” He kissed her nose. “Did you sleep well?”
    â€œLike a baby,” she said. “Never better.” Her muscles were pleasantly sore in all the right places, too.
    â€œWant to get cleaned up and go eat some breakfast?”
    â€œI’m not sure I have time. I need to go in to the office and go over some paperwork, check on a few orders, and—”
    â€œAnna,” he interrupted. His expression was amused. “It’s not even nine in the morning and you’re already wound tighter than a spring. You really have to learn to let go of that tension or you’re going to have real health problems later in life.”
    â€œWhy thanks, doc,” she said dryly. “What cure do you suggest?”
    â€œFood, for a start. Then we’re going to play hooky for the day.”
    He sounded so sure of himself, she laughed. “Oh, really? You think the boss will let you get away with that?”
    That earned her a grin. “Oh, I know she will. She likes me.”
    â€œMaybe she does,” she teased. “So, assuming you can charm your boss into playing hooky, how exactly do you plan to spend the day?”
    Now he showed all the enthusiasm of a little kid. “I want you to show me New York City.”
    â€œFor real?”
    â€œYes! Why not? I’ve been here for months and I haven’t taken in the city yet. There’s a certain pulse to the atmosphere, a cool vibe I want to be a part of. I want to take in the history and the excitement, but I guess I haven’t because it’s more fun to do it with someone special.”
    She thought for a minute, weighing the merits of taking a day off. Finally, she gave in. “How can I say no to that? What do you want to see?”
    â€œEverything. Come on, let’s go.”
    After a fun shower that involved soap in interesting places, they got dressed and headed out. Their first stop was a small corner café that served an appetizing breakfast. They dug in to their food, and she marveled at the sheer amount the man could pack away. She could barely finish her eggs and bacon, but Gray ate that plus pancakes and enough syrup to put anyone into a sugar coma.
    They chatted companionably, and she found herself drawn to him more and more. She learned that in addition to his parents being dead, he had no brothers or sisters. Although he hadn’t cared much about his lack of siblings as a younger man, now he felt the loneliness of having no family. In that at least they had something in common—when her mother passed, she’d be alone, too.
    When they were finished with breakfast, he paid the bill despite her protest, then took her by the hand. “Come on, let’s grab a cab to the ferry. I want to see the Statue of Liberty up

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