Enemy Invasion

Enemy Invasion by A. G. Taylor Read Free Book Online

Book: Enemy Invasion by A. G. Taylor Read Free Book Online
Authors: A. G. Taylor
We’re not criminals.”
    Hui patted the PS5. “Possession is nine-tenths of the law, as the Americans say.”
    He turned and pushed the section of wall where the door had been. The glass didn’t budge. Hui looked back at Hack.
    “Do that thing you did before. Open the door.”
    Jonesey took a step closer to his friend and whispered, “Just let him take it! Remember the gun?”
    “Listen to your friend,” Hui said. “You’ll live longer.”
    Hack shook his head. “If you want to get out of this room, you’ll put the console down. Try anything funny and I’ll trigger every alarm in this building. Like I said,
we’re not thieves.”
    “Really? Well, I think you’ll have a hard job convincing the cops of that.” With a lightning-fast motion, Hui raised his left hand towards Hack’s throat. “When you
wake up.”
    Cold metal fangs pressed against the exposed skin of Hack’s neck and a burst of electricity jolted his entire body. For a moment he remained standing, every muscle dancing as the current
ran through him. Then Hui released the button on the taser concealed in his sleeve and Hack fell against the server.
    “Hack!” Jonesey cried, but Hui rounded on him with the weapon.
    “Keep your voice down or you’re next.”
    Jonesey looked on helplessly as Hui placed the taser in his pocket and removed his automatic. He pointed the weapon at the area through which they’d entered and pulled the trigger. With a
deafening blast, the entire wall shattered. Ceiling lights flicked on blindingly full and an alarm began to screech. Hui thrust the PS5 into Jonesey’s arms, grabbed him by the shoulder and
manhandled him through the shattered wall of the cube.
    “What about Hack?” he protested weakly.
    “Let him work it out,” Hui snapped. “He’s the one with superpowers…”
    On the floor by the server, Hack lay helpless, his body continuing to jolt in the aftermath of the electric shock. Above the sound of the alarm, he heard a hissing sound and remembered
Jonesey’s story about the halon gas.
    The canisters were releasing their poison.
    Summoning all of his strength, and fighting against the muscular spasms running through his arms and legs, Hack rolled onto his stomach and began to crawl for his life.

    The hovercopter was almost fifty kilometres from the outskirts of Hong Kong when Sarah Williams’s voice sounded in her brother’s head.
    Are you almost there? she asked. The target is in danger.
    Robert looked at the pilot sitting beside him in the cockpit. “How much longer?”
    “Ten minutes,” the pilot said.
    Robert relayed this information to his sister.
    He doesn’t have ten minutes! Sarah replied. She was back in the cargo bay of the Ulysses , keeping track of the boy as best she could.
    Robert looked through the curved windscreen of the hovercopter. On the ocean’s horizon, the lights of the city glittered in the darkness. It was still quite a distance away – further
than he’d ever teleported before. But he heard the desperation in his sister’s thoughts.
    Can you get a definite lock on the kid? Robert asked. I’ll try a teleport.
    Okay, Sarah replied. I’ll guide you.
    Robert unclipped his seat belt and spoke to the pilot again. “I’m teleporting out. I’ll call in our location as soon as I make contact.”
    The pilot nodded. “Just remember the prearranged extraction point—”
    But Robert Williams had already disappeared.
    Less than a minute after the alarms triggered, the doors of the express elevator opened. Five security guards emerged, fanning out across the reception area, machine guns in
    their hands. Dressed in lightweight Kevlar body armour, they also sported full-face breathing masks to protect themselves against the halon gas already pouring out of open doors to the office
    area. The leader of the security detail gave a hand signal to the two men on his right, indicating they should stay at the lift in case any of the intruders attempted to

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