Enemy Red

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Book: Enemy Red by Marie Harte Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marie Harte
Tags: Romance
admired Jericho . Strong, solitary yet protective of his clan, the bear never made excuses for others’ failures or his own. And he was a helluva shifter to have in a fight. They’d crossed a large group of rebellious cats the other day, spoiling for trouble. Fenris had considered the need to shift into his werewolf form, but then Jericho had stepped in. After one swipe of his paw, the cats had hissed and run fast and far away.
    “What kind of dreams do you have?” he asked Jericho .
    “Oh, funny ones. Dreams about living again in the Great Forest . About running with a golden wolf, a future alpha of the Silver Clan.” Jericho ’s dark brown eyes drilled holes into him. “About Dark Elves and sorcerers and the Wolf in the Forest . And about the spirit’s long lost brother, the Bear in the Cave.”
    “Interesting.” Fenris’ heart raced. How much did Jericho really know?
    Jericho studied his fingernails. “Yeah. Seems Uncle Mike is right now scouring the Great Forest looking for his missing golden nephews. Red orbs of danger, a missing twin and demons. Ring a bell?”
    “Demons? Anson’s gone?” Panicked, Fenris was halfway out of the pool when Jericho yanked him back in.
    Jericho grinned, his large teeth glinting in the sun. “You, my friend, are going to get us back into the Great Forest . I’ve been waiting on your sorry ass for years.”
    Brett and Brody exchanged a look.
    Gibson stared in shock and what looked like hurt. “You’re Mike Barton’s nephew? The next in line to take over as Silver Clan alpha. How…nice.” His yellow eyes glowed with anger.
    Jericho shook his head. “Back off, Gib. He’s Rudra’s. And just wait until she learns what he’s been hiding.” He turned to Fenris. “You should have told her the truth from the beginning. Our alpha doesn’t much like surprises. She’s going to slice your balls off, Goldie. Bad news.”
    “Fuck off, Jericho . Red’s not going to hurt me. I’m nothing like my uncle, and I’m not a future alpha.”
    “Please. Even I can see the power all over you, and I’m not even wolf,” Gibson huffed.
    “It has nothing to do with being alpha, it’s—” Fenris stopped, scenting an evil in the air. That same smell of sulphur that had occurred in Rurik’s laboratory had returned. “We have to get back, right now.”
    “Hell, no. You’re not going anywhere,” Brody said as he and Brett grabbed his arms.
    “You don’t understand.” Fenris tried to jerk free while looking all around him. It had been ingrained in him since birth to keep his werewolf heritage a secret, and he had a hard time allowing it to rise. With Rudra, he hadn’t thought, he’d reacted. Now, he had a feeling only his powerful beast would be able to combat this new threat.
    The mark on his forearm began to glow.
    Jericho stared at him and frowned. “Get out of the water, guys,” he said slowly. “Something bad’s coming.”
    Before any of them could move, the water turned from hot to ice, freezing them in place.
    Fenris worked his arms free from the Nash brothers and called on his inherent werewolf. He felt the change and broke through the ice just as three serpentine monsters appeared from out of nowhere and converged on the pool.
    With a roar, Fenris punched the last of the ice holding him in place and freed the others. “Get back to warn Rurik and Rudra,” he growled into stunned faces. All but Jericho seemed surprised by his form. “Go.”
    Jericho shook his head. “You three hurry back. I’ll stay here and back up Goldie.”
    Fenris took the nearest monster by surprise and sliced through its neck. He felt claws score his side, leaving a deep furrow of pain. Blood matted his fur, and he snarled a warning as the other two converged on him and Jericho .
    “My cousin will not find the protection he seeks in you,” one of the snakemen hissed. “He and his bitch belong to me.”
    Fenris received a blow to his midsection and dodged a near decapitation from the

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