Enlightened A Light Tamer Novel (The Light Tamer)

Enlightened A Light Tamer Novel (The Light Tamer) by Devyn Dawson Read Free Book Online

Book: Enlightened A Light Tamer Novel (The Light Tamer) by Devyn Dawson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Devyn Dawson
some breakfast.” 
    I look over at her , and she gives me one of her famous Amber smirks.  She did not just give her breakfast to him.  It’s moments like these that I wish I had telepathy with her.  I am , however , thankful that I don’t have a ticket to her thoughts.  I shiver…scary thought.
    Caleb is getting out of his car as we pull into a parking slot.  Okay, I did not see that coming.  Caleb thinks to me as he approaches my side of the Jeep.
    Me either.  I didn’t find out until we were on our way to his house.  “Can you help me with my locker?  I keep messing up with the combination I guess.  I couldn’t ever get it opened up yesterday, remember. ”
    Thorne told Amber thank you as he headed off towards the side of the building.  Caleb took my hand and led me to my locker.  We walked past a girl who looked familiar , but I couldn’t place the face.  “Was that girl at your dad’s house?”
    “The girl we just walked past?  No , that’s Darla, the girl from Union Point.  She’s the preacher’s daughter.”
    Funny how people look so different when they’re wearing a uniform.  Gone is her look of superiority, replaced by a look of shyness.  “Oh, right.  She didn’t have anything to say to us today, now did she?   That was a strange day, that owl and the lights…too creepy.”  It was the first time that I tried to put out such a powerful light by draining it.  I knew that there were nine more lights, so we’d be safe.  Instead of putting out one light, all of them went out and I fainted .   I’ve never had a problem with fainting before this summer, now I do it about once a week.
    Down the hall, and walking our direction is Mrs. Ward.  Her starched white shirt tucked into her black pen cil skirt enhanced her thinness.  She could pull off the sexy librarian if she’d pull her hair up in a bun and wore some black framed glasses.  A couple of weeks ago, I went to her house for lunch.  It was there that she told me she is one of the three Fates.   I wouldn’t have believed her if she didn’t show me how she is Fate.  What is explained off as coincidence is nothing more than Fate stepping into your life’s path and changing it to fulfill another path. 
    “How was your first full day of classes?  I find it fun to watch the eleventh graders finding out about the alternative classes.  Your group is my favorite.  I love the healers.  Especially your breed of healer.  This world needs more of your kind.”  
    “I find it hard to believe that all of this was going on right under my nose , and I never suspected it.   Teens aren’t very good at keeping secrets, and this one is epic , ” Caleb says.
    “Oh that…it ’s easy, you take a vow , and it clears up that messy gossiping.  Where is Miss Edwards this morning?”
    Every time she talks , it ’s as if she has a sinister plan.  We tell her Amber went to class ; she turns on her heel and walks away. 
    “What do you think she wants with Amber?  I bet she is ticked off about the lunchroom incident,” I say to Caleb.
    He shrugs his shoulders and walks me to class.  Another morning in my secret class , was exactly the same as the day before.  
    We passed our salt test and were fitted for custom flashlight holsters.  That cracked me up, thinking next we’d be fitted with light vests.   The second day in the lunch room was uneventful.  Thorne didn’t sit with us, as a matter of fact; I didn’t see him at lunch.   Amber said she hadn’t heard from Mrs. Ward but she’d stop by the principal’s office after lunch.

Chapter 7.  Drill
    The tardy bell rings and Mr Wolfshadow closes the door to the room.  “Pens and papers out and ready to take notes.”   I hadn’t noticed his limp yesterday , but he limped to his desk.  He doesn’t look like he’s in pain so I’m guessing it’s an old injury.  “ Miss Lucente , did you hear me?”
    I look up, caught utter ly off guard by the calling

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