feeling better and I’m pleased to see your injury hasn’t prevented you from attending and obtaining your degree. I know how much you are looking forward to returning to our hometown when we both leave here in six months’ time.” He licked his lips and winked at her.
She glanced around and noted the other students’ curious expressions. Her anger at Xavier built. Her face heated.
“Are you hot Miss Bennett-Miller? You are awfully flushed.” His smirk sent her anger through the roof.
Oooh, fuckin’ asshole. Well, two can play your games. Let’s see how you like being embarrassed. She gave him what she hoped was her prettiest smile and batted her eyelids. “It is a little warm in here since you walked in, sir.” She fanned her face with her hand.
“Would you like me to open a window?”
Aline tilted her head to one side. “I’d be most grateful, sir. It would help to bring the temperature down and as you can see, I’m unable to do it myself.”
He turned to open the window and when he swung back, he flushed red. Aline had pushed the blanket covering her legs, to the floor. She had hitched her skirt high to reveal a large expanse of toned, shapely leg. Her legs were parted but the skirt was just low enough to cover her groin. His imagination took over. “Fuck,” he muttered. He moved swiftly to Aline’s side and as he replaced the blanket over her knees he whispered, “well played, Aline but I will win.”
He hurried back behind his desk and subtly rearranged his pants to alleviate the pressure of his dick pressing hard against the zipper.
Aline couldn’t let it go. “Your face is quite red too, sir. Are you also feeling the heat in the room?”
“I’m quite comfortable, thank you,” he answered in a clipped tone. Wait until I have you alone.
Callie and the other students shifted in their seats alerting both Xavier and Aline they were not alone in the room.
“I think now we have established who is hot and, who is not, we will begin,” Xavier said.
The following three hours flew past. Aline took copious notes and made numerous notations in her textbooks. Xavier was an excellent lecturer. He gave them their evenings reading and an assignment which was due in two weeks. He made it abundantly clear, there would be no extensions. The class was then dismissed.
Students filed from the room. Callie packed up her own and Aline’s materials. By the time they were done, they were the only students remaining. Callie stepped behind the wheelchair but before she could move, Xavier spoke.
“Callie, may I ask you to wait outside please? I would like to speak with Aline privately.”
Callie started to leave.
“Callie stay. I have nothing to say to Mr. Pierce and no desire to speak with him.”
Callie glanced between her friend and her teacher unsure as to what to do. “Hun, I’m sorry but, I’m not getting in the middle of your argument. I have to agree with Xavier, you need to talk. Especially after the show you both put on at the beginning of class.”
Callie hurried from the room.
Aline sighed. “What do you want, Xavier? I have told you, I’m not interested in you.”
“Oh, I think you will be when you hear what I have to say.” Xavier pulled a chair in front of her and sat.
“You cannot possibly have anything to say that would interest me.”
“Hear me out please.”
“Very well, but you are wasting our time.”
Xavier felt his patience wearing but he spoke calmly. “I was speaking with the Senior Lawyer in my law department this morning. He tells me he has received an application from a Miss Bennett-Miller for a position we have available. The position would see you fully trained in Corporate Law as it pertains to my company. You would have the opportunity to assist on multi-million dollar contracts all over the world. Eventually you would be left to manage deals on your own with full autonomy. There would always be a senior to assist if you need it.”
Shit, I’d
Joe R. Lansdale, Mark A. Nelson