into by accident, but they are not excluding the possibility that it was a premeditated murder. Intensive operations are under way to identify the offender. For the time being no one has been charged.”
She finished taking notes.
“A good-looking man, dresses beautifully, has a nice voice and talks like a fax from the neighbourhood policeman.”
He allowed himself a faint smile.
“Please don’t write more than that about the case. It might cause us harm.”
“Now it’s please, is it?” She stood up and zipped her handbag shut. She was wearing a cream skirt above the knee and
black flat-heeled shoes that showed off her feet. He noticed a red mark on her leg; while they were talking she had kept this leg casually folded on her knee. “And what will I get for that?”
“You might find out a bit more, when others will get nothing but a fax from the city police.”
“And might it be possible to invite you for coffee? And will you talk to me in a language generally regarded as Polish?”
She hung her bag on her shoulder and strode briskly to the door. Before closing it, she looked at him and said:
“I don’t remember the last time a man treated me as badly as you have, Prosecutor. I’m sorry to have taken up your time.”
And she was gone. Szacki was sorry too. Irritated, he got up from his chair to hang up his jacket, and walked into a cloud of perfume left behind by the journalist. Romance by Ralph Lauren - Weronika used to wear it. He loved that fragrance.
WITNESS INTERVIEW TRANSCRIPT. Hanna Kwiatkowska, date of birth 22nd July 1970, resident at Okrzeja Street, Warsaw, has higher education, teacher of Polish at high school No. 30 in Warsaw. Relationship to parties: none, no criminal record for bearing false witness.
Cautioned re criminal responsibility under Article 233 of the Penal Code, her statement is as follows:
“I met Henryk Telak the previous Sunday at psychotherapist Cezary Rudzki’s consulting room, which was where I also met Euzebiusz Kaim and Barbara Jarczyk. The four of us were to spend two days at the retreat on Łazienkowska Street taking part in group therapy, known as ‘Family Constellation Therapy’. I had never met anyone in the group before, I only knew Cezary Rudzki, to whom I had been going for six months for individual therapy, usually once a week.
“We all met on Friday, 3rd June, in the afternoon, ate supper together and went to bed early. There were no therapy sessions. We only had to get a good night’s sleep. Next day after breakfast Mr Kaim’s therapy session took place. In this constellation I played the role of Mr Kaim’s ex-wife, and I found it sad, because I felt unloved. Mr Telak played Mr Kaim’s father, and Mrs Jarczyk his mother. In this constellation Mr Telak was pushed aside, just like Mr Kaim’s real father within his family. So I had no feeling with regard to him. After the lunch break we had Mr Telak’s session. Mrs Jarczyk played his wife, Mr Kaim his son, and I was his daughter, who committed suicide two years ago at the age of fifteen. It was awfully sad and depressing. I felt so bad I wanted to commit suicide myself. During the constellation some very depressing things emerged, but I should stress that I don’t know if they were true. They must have been most depressing for Mr Telak, because we were all telling him we didn’t love him, and I even said it was because of him that I’d committed suicide. That was dreadful. We had to stop, because Mrs Jarczyk collapsed. That happened at about 8 p.m. At about 8.30 I went to my room, before that I was in the kitchen for a bite to eat and a cup of tea. I went down the corridor with Mr Telak, who had the room next to mine. I saw him go inside, and I didn’t go out again after that. No one came into my room. I didn’t hear anyone leaving any of the other rooms or moving about in the corridor. I was worn out by the therapy and by about 9.30 I was asleep. In the morning my alarm rang