Erin's Rebel

Erin's Rebel by Susan Macatee Read Free Book Online

Book: Erin's Rebel by Susan Macatee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan Macatee
    After removing her dress, petticoats, and stockings, she pulled the chemise over her head. She loosened and dropped her drawers, then sponged herself off, allowing the warm, soapy water to refresh and soothe her. Gratefully, she inhaled the relaxing warmth, trying to ease her discomfort. But this was no substitute for the hot shower she craved. She didn’t even like to go camping. And here she was trapped in a century that didn’t have electricity or running water. Even a modern toilet would be welcome.
    Instead of relaxing her, the sponge bath caused more agitation. She worked the linen washrag over her legs and grimaced at the hair covering her calves. Women didn’t shave in this time period, yet when she’d undressed her first day here, she’d found the amount of hair on her underarms and legs alarming. Even knowing her clothing would hide the hair didn’t content her. She knew it existed.
    But she’d decided to resign herself since the only razor existing in this time period was the straight edge. She hated to think of what that would do to her skin. Plus, her leg hair wasn’t coarse, it was fine and silky.
    While she washed, she recalled her meeting with Captain Montgomery’s sister. She’d known from her prior research he’d been a widower since just after the war started and he had a daughter, but the sight of the auburn-haired child had startled her. His stern expression had evaporated when he’d seen Amanda—definitely a doting father.
    After drying herself, she slipped a clean cotton chemise over her head. She reached for the paisley, robe-like garment she’d found hanging in her tent, the one Brigid had called a wrapper. Before she could slide her arm into the sleeve, a shadow against the canvas startled her. She froze and stared at a man’s silhouette. Too late, she realized she’d forgotten to tie up the flap.
    Frantically, she scanned the interior for a weapon. She reached for the candleholder, but before she could grasp it, Jake pushed his way inside.
    His face was flushed. She smelled whiskey on his breath. He waved a half-empty bottle in front of her. “Bring out your mugs,” he slurred. He set the bottle on her table, tipping it so it fell and dripped amber liquid onto her rug.
    Alarmed he’d appeared here again in this condition, she lifted her wrapper to shield herself when he retrieved the bottle. “I apologize, Miss Erin, for my clumsiness.” He swayed before her, grinning.
    Her heart thudded, and she tried to reason out what to do. She wouldn’t put it past this bastard to force himself on her in his inebriated state. No matter what it took, she had to get him out of here now .
    His eyes widened when he took in her state of undress. “I see you’re all ready for me.”
    “No,” she stated. “I’m going to sleep now.”
    “You promised me,” he said harshly. “You’ll give me what I want, woman.” Grabbing her forearm, he tried to wrench the wrapper from her.
    She pushed and knocked him off balance. She wasn’t about to be pinned down by him, again. Rushing past him, she slid through the tent opening. He grabbed her by the wrist and tightened his grip when she tried to wrench free.
    “What’s going on here?”
    Erin glanced up into Captain Montgomery’s eyes as he sprinted to her side.
    Straining, she tried to loosen Jake’s grip. His arm was half-way out of the flap, hand still circled around her wrist. Montgomery grabbed Jake’s hand and pried it from her arm. She moved aside, and he yanked the sergeant out.
    Jake’s mouth flew open when he saw who had hold of him.
    “I told you to stay away from her, Wagner.”
    “But sir...she owes me.”
    “I don’t care what she owes you. I don’t want to catch you laying your filthy hands on the lady again. The next time I see you anywhere near her, I’ll put you on report.”
    “Yes, sir.” When the captain released his grip on Jake, he scurried off as fast as he could move without looking back.
    Erin watched

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