Escape from Eden (Original Series book 2)

Escape from Eden (Original Series book 2) by Rachel McClellan Read Free Book Online

Book: Escape from Eden (Original Series book 2) by Rachel McClellan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rachel McClellan
isn't a hundred percent. But Tank had said ‘alive and well’ I remind myself. If he is well than that means he must’ve gotten an oDNA injection from my father, buying him several more years of life. And if he could get his hands on more, he could continue to live even longer. Still, though, it wasn't a true cure. The Kiss would eventually come for him.
    I stop when I reach the outside door.
    “What are you doing?” Max asks me.
    “I’m working outside today.” I need to stay busy, otherwise I’ll be tempted to storm Jerry’s office and insist I speak with Tank again.
    “But you’re hurt. What are you trying to do? First you take on a monster by yourself and now this?” Max’s voice is rising.
    “It’s okay,” I say. “Relax.”
    “I’ll go with her, Max,” Link says and pats Max's back. “I won’t let her do anything too hard.”
    Max stares at me, his ivory complexion turning red. “You can be so selfish sometimes,” he says and walks away.
    “Max!” I call, but he doesn’t stop. I go after him and whirl him around. "What was that all about?"
    His jaw is set tight, and he won't look at me.
    "Spill," I order. This is the first time he's ever spoken to me like this, and I can’t help but feel a little hurt, especially after everything I’ve done for him.
    His gaze slowly meets mine. His chin quivers, reminding me of his young age, before he says, "My whole life you've taken care of me, even taking over Mom's role when she died. You sacrificed so much, and then last year, when we were on the run, you nearly gave your life to keep me safe." He inhales a hitched breath. "When Dad healed me, I couldn't wait to show you. I could finally take care of myself, but more importantly, I could finally take care of you."
    I open my mouth to speak, but he stops me.
    "How am I supposed to take care of you, if you keep rushing into danger? You're being stupid, and I don't understand why."
    I stare at him, dumbfounded. I don't know if I'm angry at him for calling me stupid, or angry at myself for not noticing how he was feeling sooner.
    "So are you going to tell me?" he asks again.
    "Tell you what?"
    "Why are you so anxious to rush into danger all of the time, especially when there are stronger people for the job? Do you have a martyr complex or something?"
    Heat rises to my face. "I don't want to be a martyr. I just don't want anyone I care about to get hurt."
    He balls his hands into fists, his expression twisting into something unrecognizable. "And how exactly do you think I'll feel if something happens to you? Don't you think I'll be hurt? Does that even cross your mind? We finally have a chance for a normal brother/sister relationship, but all you want to do is go back to fighting every chance you get, and I'm sick of it!"
    Before I can respond, he turns on his heel and storms off. This time I don't go after him.
    Link comes up behind me and pats my shoulder. “You okay?"
    I quickly nod and swallow the tears running down the back of my throat. I had no idea Max felt this strongly, and it saddens and shocks me. I used to always know what Max felt or needed just by the way he looked at me, but now I realize that I don't know him at all.

    I can’t do much in the way of clearing the forest. My side hurts every time I twist or try to pick up anything. Pretty much all I’m good for is scooting fallen limbs out of the way with my foot. It also doesn't help that I can't stop thinking about Max and everything he said to me. Am I acting like a martyr trying to get off the island so soon? I don't know the answer, but I do know that I need to be doing more than just clearing trees all day. I want to help. I want to make a difference. But what does that mean for Max? Am I being selfish? These thoughts plague me until I stop working altogether.
    "You look ridiculous," Link says after about an hour. "Just go in already.”
    I don’t argue and leave him behind. What I need is to lay horizontal for a while to try and

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