Escape to Earth-Living Legends
we’ve ever faced in the past. I will entertain other suggestions but I don’t see another way to confront huge numbers of them except to have a ship that can take them out. By the way, who was the one that killed the monster above that planet?”
    Jinks stood up, “Sir, it actually wasn’t the heavy that made that ship’s destruction possible. The mission would have failed except for the bravery of one of our pilots. My staff is unanimous in recommending that pilot for our highest award for bravery.”
    “Do you have a recording of what happened?”
    “I do.” Jinks pointed his monitor control unit at the giant screen and every one present stared at the images on it. They saw the heavy moving in toward the giant black vessel with a clear lane between it and its target. Suddenly, four huge black battleships rushed into the heavy’s path. They heard on the speaker, “JOSEY, DON’T DO IT!!” The four black battleships began showing massive explosions on their hulls and, in less than ten seconds, all of them were vaporized in four massive explosions.
    All of the attendees looked away from the monitor at Admiral Jekins. He tilted his head and said, “The problem with dark energy beams is that they’re not visible. The only way my staff was able to find this footage was by hearing that voice just before those enemy ships were destroyed. We went through all of our personnel files on those that participated in the attack and we found a pilot named Josephine Bartolo. We set our computers to find that pilot’s ship frequency and we followed her from the beginning of the attack until those four ships were destroyed. I’m going to replay what just happened but I’m going to bring the view in much closer between the black warships.”
    The monitor’s view changed and the gathering saw the four battleships rush at them until they disappeared. “Keep your eyes on the front middle of the monitor.” The view moved in closer and they suddenly saw a Battle Pod appear out of the barrier with all of its disruptors firing. The only way the disruptor’s beams could be seen was when they blew through the Pod’s force field. The Pod was appearing and disappearing at an incredible speed. The Pod moved through the four ships’ positions and it was clear the enemy’s disruptors were continuously hitting it.
    “How many times was it hit, Admiral?”
    Jinks paused the recording and looked at Luke, “At least fifty times. However, that pilot managed to never be hit by more than two beams at a time before she move her pod in and then out of the barrier. That pilot seemed to possess a second sense about when to avoid being hit by enough disruptor beams to destroy her ship. It was the destruction of those four enemy battleships that cleared a path for the heavy to fire on the target. It was that heavy’s round that destroyed that giant vessel. The only way we were able to see her do it was by following her ship from the start of the battle to the moment she skipped in among those battleships.”
    Michael looked out at the assembly and said, “Does everyone agree that this pilot deserves to be recognized for her actions?” The entire assembly stood up and cheered. The only one that remained seated was Admiral Katy Greenwall. She was using her wrist unit to look up the pilot in question and she didn’t like what she found. But no one noticed her as a time and place was chosen to award her the Alliance Crescent.
    • • •
    The meeting was adjourned and Michael thought, “Talel, would you stop by a moment.”
    “On my way.”
    Michael shook a young Admiral’s hand and said, “I know you’re going to do a great job with our fleet. Congratulations on your promotion, you deserved it.” Talel walked up and Michael said, “Excuse me just a moment.” He turned from the gathering and walked toward the balcony. Talel followed him and Michael said, “Let’s do this telepathically.”
    “By all means, Commander.”
    “Why did

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