Escape to Earth-Living Legends
disregard for its life. However, even if he didn’t go down to the planet, I suspect they would have eventually devised this plan. After we destroyed another one of those monster vessels, they would have done this. In this instance, we’ve lost the delay the construction of another ship and its destruction would have given us.” Michael nodded and Geeron and Talel sat down.
    Audrey said, “We’re going to need to find that location.”
    Michael shook his head, “Fleet Admiral, please remember that they said the ships would be built at a distant location. Do you have any idea what that might mean?”
    Audrey stared at him for a moment and then shook her head. Michael looked at Talel who shrugged and said, “I got the feeling that distance meant a very long way from their location.”
    Michael looked at Audrey, “The galaxy we attacked is more than a billion light years from here. If they go at least that far to build those ships, there will be more than a two hundred million galaxies within a billion light years from them. If they go two billion light years away, which is what I expect them to do, the number swells to more than a billion.”
    Audrey looked at Talel, “Your species is telepathic; shouldn’t you be able to find them?”
    Talel shook his head and started to speak but Michael interrupted, “Admiral. It appears they are only sending a single Legend out to build those ships and I’m reasonably certain that he has been instructed to not communicate with those that sent him. If he doesn’t broadcast his thoughts, finding a single legend in a galaxy is impossible.”
    Audrey stared at Michael and then looked at Talel, who nodded. “So it looks like war is coming soon.”
    Michael stared at the gathering and saw even Katy was no longer smiling. “I see two possibilities, Admiral. The first is that the one sent away will build the initial vessels for the living Legends, which means at least twenty five thousand vessels.”
    Luke said, “What’s the other possibility?”
    “The one sent away decides to take the whole pie for himself and builds the monster vessels along with the giant black battleships. He then comes back and conquers his species. Once that’s done, he comes after us.”
    Josh looked at Michael, “I would think they would be extremely careful selecting the one they send out. I know if we were in their place, we would be.”
    Michael smiled, “You’ve never heard their thoughts, Admiral. The one thing every one of them has in common is a major case of paranoia. Their fear of dying is what drives their every decision. And this particular Legend is going out with no one to control him or see what he’s doing. There is a good possibility that he could do both.”
    Laney shook her head, “Just how would he do that?”
    “He builds his personal fleet entirely of Monster Vessels.” The entire room was struck silent by the comment. Michael looked around at the Senior Admirals and saw their doubts written on their faces. “I know what some of you are thinking. You think that a Legend would never allow their tools to have a vessel that could put them in danger.” Michael continued to look at them and saw the Admirals look at each other and nod. Michael smiled, “However, you need to remember that the technology used by the Legends to control the emotions of those around it can be used for more things than just generating fear. It could also be used to cause adoration among its tools.”
    Laney’s eyes went wide, “You’re right!”
    Luke shook his head, “How would we handle a fleet of a million of those monsters?”
    “We’re going to have to build a special ship designed to take on those vessels.”
    “But we don’t have a ship that can do that?”
    “I seem to recall we just killed one of those ships with a single shot.”
    Josh said, “The heavies!”
    Michael nodded, “It can’t be done with a small number. The crossfire those monsters could generate is beyond anything

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