Essiac Essentials

Essiac Essentials by Mali Klein Sheila Snow Read Free Book Online

Book: Essiac Essentials by Mali Klein Sheila Snow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mali Klein Sheila Snow
fluid ounces/60 ml of hot water. This should be sipped (like any hot tea), preferably before bedtime and at least two hours after eating. Food should not be eaten within one hour of drinking the tea.
    As a preventative daily tonic and to enhance the immune system :
    Take half a fluid ounce/15ml once daily, diluted in hot water as before.
    NB: There is no need to exceed this dose.

    It is very important to use the dosage as Rene recommended, which was based on more than 54 years’ experience. Rene was very concerned about this, which is why she personally administered the dose to her patients. The herbs are very potent, and in particular Sheep sorrel can have the effect of enlarging the tumour too quickly (see next page), so that it may burst, or a vital organ may become blocked because of its increase in size. Sometimes, the tumours will soften, dissolve into small pieces and be eliminated through the bowel or the urinary tract. Cancerous growths in the breast have been known to become encapsulated within six weeks to three months, and can then be removed surgically with little danger of metastasising in the future. Cancers of the oesophagus have also become encapsulated and removed cleanly and safely by surgery.
    Depending on special circumstances, very occasionally in her later years, she would sometimes advise an initial dose of one fluid ounce twice daily for the first five, ten or (rarely) thirty days before reducing to one fluid ounce once a day. Rene was always very particular about this because she was aware that sometimes, when patients first began taking the Essiac formula, their tumours might enlarge suddenly as though they were gathering back the cancerous cells that had metastasised. When that happened, she either gave lighter doses or stopped treatment altogether for a time, to prevent a vital organ from becoming blocked. It all depended on the nature and position of the tumour. For example, primary brain tumours rarely metastasise and we have had no reports of this type of swelling when taking Essiac in these cases . Essiac should never be administered intravenously . During the early days of Rene’s pioneering research, she found that only Sheep sorrel could be injected intramuscularly as an individual herb.
    Essiac can be taken regularly, but you don’t have to take it on holiday with you. If you have been taking the decoction for several months your body will not suffer from a couple of weeks without it.
    Some people take it for six days each week, leaving one day free on the seventh. Other people, taking Essiac as a preventative only, take half the amount daily or one ounce daily four times each year (i.e. seasonally) for the two-week period immediately preceding the seasonal equinoxes and solstices.
    Topical applications:
    For lesions and visible swellings, apply the liquid externally once or twice daily in addition to taking the oral dose. Poultices can be made by putting the strained-off residual herbs onto sterilised dressings and applying to wounds that will not heal. It is also possible to use the diluted tea as a douche or an enema.
    For carers:
    Those who are most intimately involved in caring for a loved one who is seriously ill need to be well themselves. Taking Essiac as a daily tonic can only help.

    Identifying correctly made-up Essiac:
    There will be some minor variations due to the fact that you re using herbs which come from a variety of locations and oil types. Weather conditions are increasingly varible and the amount of sun and rain the plants experience during the growing season will also affect the quality and, to a more limited extent, the colour of the tea.
    Colour : pale to mid brown, occasionally greenish if the Sheep sorrel has a particularly high chlorophyll content.
    Texture : at the most, only very slightly viscous, similar to the smoothness that you might find in a good brandy.
    Taste : pleasantly mild, with a slightly woody

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