Evacuation (The Seamus Chronicles Book 2)

Evacuation (The Seamus Chronicles Book 2) by K. D. McAdams Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Evacuation (The Seamus Chronicles Book 2) by K. D. McAdams Read Free Book Online
Authors: K. D. McAdams
Release of the Sore Loser Virus.’ It’s short and you will notice that it is not called a survival protocol.” This nuance of language is just hitting me.
    “Are you sure that the pandemic was caused by the sore loser virus?” Mom asks, looking at Randy and William.
    “No.” William responds first. “We think it was but there is no one to validate that assumption.”
    “Understood.” Mom makes it clear that we do not need a conversation.
    “Let’s assume Seamus is right; he usually is,” Dad says. “Do all those steps tell us what to do so we can survive the nuclear winter thing?” Dad wants to net it all out.
    “No,” I say, wishing I had another response. It’s not my fault. That is the honest answer.
    “Do you think Jane knew about this nuclear winter aspect?” Randy asks, an anguished look on his face.
    “My mother did not know about a nuclear winter.” Cassandra is now in the doorway. Jane is not with her.
    “Then what part tells us how we survive?” Dad is still not really speaking to anyone in particular.
    “For that, it seems we have to freestyle a little bit.” I don’t know what words to use. We have to make something up.
    “Which is why you told me we have to leave the planet,” Liam says. At least now he seems to see the end game.
    “So that means that my mother was right and you really need our help,” Cassandra says. She has taken a seat, but she is not with the others.
    The room is silent. I’ve had several hours to digest this information. Everyone outside of Sofie is hearing it for the first time. The rest still have to go through doubt, sadness, anger and acceptance to move on. It’s not just Jane and Cassandra we need.
    “The truth is, if we are going to pull this off, we need everyone.” I don’t like ad-libbing or lecturing but I seem to have their attention. “I’ve had some time to digest not only the information, but also what it means to us. Why don’t the rest of you take the night to read through the protocol and come up with your own thoughts. We can meet back here tomorrow at, say, 9 a.m.?”
    “If we had to start tonight, what’s your plan?” Cassandra wants to know the idea she needs to improve upon. She is used to winning.
    “Simple really. Step one, leave the planet. Step two, find a place to live for the next five hundred years.” It’s the same as Jane’s. It’s smug and blunt, but that really is the basic plan.

Chapter 7
    Sofie left the conference room around ten. She had had a few hours’ head start on everyone and wanted to make sure she was available to get up with the boys in the morning. I really like the way she thinks and acts. It is so consistent. I know that she is thoughtful and intelligent because of what she says. She is also patient and giving based on what she does. The two are never in conflict and that makes her so genuine.
    The rest of us stayed around until the small hours of the morning. While I have known my mom and dad my whole life, I have never really worked with them. Sure, there were chores and forced labor on yard projects, but nothing long-term. There was never a chance to see them go through thought, planning and execution on a large scale. This is an interesting insight to their personalities and, by reflection, my own.
    We are now back in the conference room and it is a little after 9:30 in the morning. All of us had a little trouble getting going this morning. Sofie is sitting by the window watching the kids ride their bikes. Grace is in her position from last night, but has a laptop instead of a legal pad. There are carafes of coffee on the table. From the looks of things, this could be a board meeting for some weird company.
    While I called the meeting and gathered everyone here, I’m not ready to get up and facilitate. Hopefully Dad will take over for me in that area. Surprisingly, I have not been reading and chasing various links through the database. I have enjoyed fielding questions and hashing

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