Every Breath She Takes

Every Breath She Takes by Norah Wilson Read Free Book Online

Book: Every Breath She Takes by Norah Wilson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Norah Wilson
    “It looked like you were trying to kill yourself. Which is fine by me, as long as you don’t drag one of my horses into it.”
    “Cool down, Cal. I was just having some fun.”
    “Find something else to amuse you!” Jesus, she was a piece of work. He dropped her wrist before the desire to squeeze it way, way too hard got the better of him.
    Scowling, Marlena rubbed her wrist. “What’s your problem? These mustangs are as sure-footed as goats, and you know it.”
    “Yeah, and I’d like to keep ’em that way. That was just plain stupid.” Behind him, he heard Brady and Lauren ride up. “You will not endanger one of my horses again. Got it?”
    She glowered back at him. There was a time when all that temper would have turned him on. Now it left him stone cold. “I mean it, Marlena. Push that mare again, and you’ll walk home.”
    “You wouldn’t do that!”
    “So help me God, I’d like to do a lot worse, so don’t push me.” He turned to Brady. “Take the lead, son.” With a hard look at Marlena, he added, “And try to keep your date under control.”
    “Sorry, Cal,” Brady muttered before urging his mount forward with alacrity.
    After a last baleful look, Marlena fell in behind Brady. Lauren, however, made no move. She just sat there in the saddle, looking at him.
    “You coming?” he growled.
    Her answer was to urge Buck after Marlena. Taking a deep breath, he took up the rear again. This could be a long trip.

    To Lauren’s relief, the rest of the ride was quiet. They reached the log cabin by late afternoon. Nestled at the base of a scrub-dotted slope, the structure looked like it had been there forever. In fact, according to Cal, it was some seventy years old. Its age certainly showed, but it had been carefully tended.
    Marlena made herself at home immediately, dragging ready-made sandwiches and cold salads out of the refrigerator. The four of them sat at the kitchen table and tucked into the food. As Lauren worked on her sandwich, it struck her that it was little wonder Marlena seemed so at home. She and Cal had probably laughed here, fought here, made love here. Her stomach clenched, and she put the sandwich down.
    She stole a look at Cal. His face was shuttered. What was going on behind that cool expression? He glanced up then, catching her studying him.
    “I see you left room for dessert,” he said, eyeing her partially eaten sandwich. “Can I offer you some of Delia’s apple pie?”
    Lauren’s appetite had fled. Not even the prospect of Delia’s pastry could resuscitate it. “No, thanks, but did I see a shower in the bathroom? I wouldn’t mind washing the trail dust off.”
    “Sure, help yourself.”
    “What about me?” Marlena protested.
    “Guests first.” Cal didn’t even glance sideways at Marlena.
    Lauren wasted no time heading for the bathroom.
    “Hey, save some hot water for me and Brady,” Marlena called.
    Lauren winced as she closed the door. Marlena and Brady showering together. That should go over well with Cal.
    She showered in record time. The old showerhead emitted a bare trickle, but it was hot. It sluiced away the dust, but couldn’t touch her tension. Dressing quickly, she returned to the kitchen only to find it deserted. For an instant, dread rose up, closing her throat. Marlena . Had she gone out?
    She laid a hand on her chest to hold down the panic while her mind raced. The time of day was certainly right. In her vision, the sinking sun had provided an obscenely beautiful backdrop for the murder, turning the foothills into a smoky bruise on the delicate pink horizon. Had she found the victim only to lose her? She knew nothing about this Brady guy. Nothing! Well, other than that he was local, was prepared to pay for the privilege of being with Marlena, and generally had the right body type, height, and gait to be the killer. How could she have been so stupid?
    Lauren was on the point of rushing out into the dusk when a sound arrested her.

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