for me. I quit after my first year in seminary and decided to become a fireman. In a way , it’s still like being a pastor . Y ou know , saving people from the fiery pits, just not the spiritual ones.” He wink s and shrug s his massive shoulders. Fire fighting had been good to his body ; that much was obvious. But I didn’t remember having seen h im as Mr. October. However, I did n’ t want to admit to him I ’ d actually seen part of the calendar , so I ’ d have to wait until it came in the mail.
Nodding, I grab my measurement tape. “Okay , so if you could just take your shirt off now.”
He looks at me as if I just ask him if he could please eat my cat , and pales as I wait for him to do what I ask. Sighing, I explain , “ To get t he measurements for the muscle T - shirts . I can’t do that with your bulky sweater on. So if you ’ d be so kind as to take it off , I ’ ll make this experience as painless as possible. It's okay. I'm a professional. ”
He hesitat es slightly before taking off his shirt, revealing chiseled abs and a nice spray on tan . Trust me, I know. I beg i n measuring and notice that , not only is he extremely close to me , but h is body is radiating heat, to o much heat. Wanting to look up and see what his problem is , my brain kicks into gear and reminds me it wouldn’t be wise. Wait a second, is that a Rolex watch? What in the world! And he called me materialistic. I snort out loud in disgust.
“Is something wrong?” He asks politely .
“Nope. You ’ r e good ,” I repl y still maintaining my no eye contact rule. “ Y ou c an put your shirt back on now. Give me a moment to take the rest of the measurements and you can go.”
H e put s his shirt back on and I allow myself to let go of the breath I had , apparently , been holding. It’s not that I ’m attracted to him . I mean, he ’ s good looking , but he still broke n my heart , an d something about him just seemed off. A ll girls want the guy who dumped them to come crawling back , and I’m not saying I wouldn’t welcome it . But I ’ m s till recovering from the shock of it all. Wait, this means h e and Preston work together. Odd.
The knock on the door interrupts my thoughts. I know who it is on the other side. "Hang on a sec, that's my last model, I think." I indicate a chair for Bobby and str i de slowly to open my door.
“Hey , little miss note writer, miss me?” Preston grins and brushe s past me without an invitation . Well , this should be fun and totally not tense at all, nope. H e doesn’t notice Bobby s itt ing there . In Preston ’ s defense , Bobby was strangely quiet.
“ Are you going to back out of the trip , panda bear ?” He ’ s trying to break me. I can feel it , and I won’t go down without a fight.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about . I fully intend to go on t he trip without you. My cat ’ s going instead. ” I put my nose in the air and cross my arms.
“Oh , wow . I f that doesn’t scream desperate spinster , I don’t know what does.” His face is so smug I want to throw Mrs. Butterworth at him , claws first . I tried to tell her in my mind to attack him, but instead she walks right up to him and purrs ! How dare she! Shouldn’t she be able to sense my anger? Plus , this is her territory , and he ’ s a mean man .
He pick s her up and s trok es her face , not at all thrown off by the odd way she looks . “ H ow many cats do you have , Amanda?”
I roll my eyes and walk back to where Bobby is silently gaping. His face is twisted with some sort of hostility , and I can’t tell if it ’ s directed at me or at Preston.
“We’re almost done here ,” I call back to Preston , but he d oes n’t seem the least bit fazed . H e just shrugs and continues petting Mrs. Butterworth. He either doesn’t notice Bobby glaring at him , or he doesn’t care. I n Preston ’s defense , it wouldn’t be a fair fig ht anyway . He could destroy Bobby . H e would be declared the