winner based on his height alone. .
My list had missed that part, Bobby is vertically challenged , and I know I have no room to talk. In reality, he made me feel better a bout my lack of height . I accepted myself , because he accepted himself and he isn’t that short. If I were to guess , I ’ d say he ’ s around five-nine. But in comparison to Preston ’ s six foot four inch stature , Bobby looks like a child.
Bobby shakes his head , obviously annoyed at the interruption and let s me finish. He takes off without saying thank you a nd slammed the door behind him.
“Geez, you’re welcome ,” I mumble under my breath.
“Don’t worry about Bobby . H e’s always like that ,” Preston says as he began taking off his shirt.
“What are you doing? ” I shriek in annoyance , not able to take my eyes off his chest .
“Um , don’t you have to fit us for the muscle T -shirts ?” His face is mildly amused . I , however , am not . He totally throws me off with his confidence .
“Yes, you ' r e right. Sorry I— “ Instead of finishing my sentence , I sh ake my head and beg i n measuring . It ; s different having to see him this close up. His abs are real and he doesn’t need the spray tan to make them look better or more defined . They ’re perfect. Upon closer inspection , I can see they too deserve their own fan page on Facebook. I want to touch them , to make sure I ’m not seeing things .
It isn’t until I hear Preston clear his throat that I realize I ’ve been holding the measuring tape across his abs without measuring. But I ’m s taring open mouthed at his six pack as if I expect it to speak to me . He chuckles to himself , and I let the measuring tape snap his bare skin, a nd then apologize when he yelps . H e deserves much worse.
“Okay ,” I say coldly . “ You can put your shirt back on now. We ’ re almost done.” I try not to watch him put the s hirt back on but fail . If your last boyfriend had been Dere k , and you had no one but a cat to keep you company , you ’ d be staring as well . Especially , if the man in your house looks like h e ’ s shooting a commercial for —Well , it woul dn’t matter because , as I look at him now , I realize I ’ m so buying.
I shake my head as I watch the shirt pull down over his tight chest and try to think ab out Grandma Ned, but it doesn’t work . Summoning my self- control , I think about Grandma Ned and how she got so mad that one time she caught me watching TV during Christmas break. Yes , that was a bad time . I believe her choice word was “ heathen ” . I f Grandma Ned were here , she ’ d call me much worse.
“Are you done yet?” I plead , voice crack ing .
“ I’m not the one doing t he measuring, seamstress lady.”
Oh , he did not just call me that . I feign a smile through c lench ed teeth, while I secretly hop e the gym isn’t crowded so I can go running l ater this afternoon. If I don’t , I’ll spontaneously combust with all this tension .
Preston waits for me to finish with the last measurements. I escort him to the door in h opes he ’ll leave quick ly, before I either kill him or steal his virtue. Just as he crosses over the door frame , he turns to face me and says , “I think you’re afraid to go on a trip with me. You like me, admit it.”
I smil e sweet ly while leaning in . H is eyes t ake on a smoldering look of anticipation . Then, as I close the distance, I slam the door in his face.
It ' s official . I ’ m going to Hawaii. Yes, I know Preston will be there. But I won’t back down from a challenge. Please, afraid of him?
There ’ s no fear, but there ’ s attraction , and it’s like gravity. And if I ’ m being honest, that does scare me . Because I deserve to be hurt by him . T he whole situation is the perfect revenge. If I have any fear it ’ s that his sarcastic and arrogant presence will tempt me to end h is life before we land in Hawaii.
As my chest heaves thinking about his