Every Last Breath

Every Last Breath by Jessica Gaffney Read Free Book Online

Book: Every Last Breath by Jessica Gaffney Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jessica Gaffney
    Just then the rifle fired.
    Maggie opened her eyes and clenched her chest. She listened for the sound but realized it was the dream again. This time, Vala was staring at her from the side of the bed. She propped herself up on her shoulders, and looked around. The time was 5:35am.
    “What is it girl?”
    The dog backed up, signaling Maggie to follow her. It was not likely that the dog had to go outside, Vala had a schedule and she rarely deviated. Thankful that she slept a solid six hours, she pushed the covers back and walked toward the window. The sun had yet to rise in her back yard.
    Maggie checked on her little guy, Vala stayed close to her. He would be up soon, ready for his Saturday morning cartoons.
    She usually left his door ajar, as to not wake him. Thankfully the child was still asleep. She stared at her baby, wishing in her heart there had been more children. But she wouldn’t trade him for two others. He was her precious miracle and she needed to remember that.
    Maggie tucked her hair behind her ears and pressed a kiss to his plump cheek. Then she pulled his blankets up to his waist. He was always kicking his covers off in the middle of the night. It was a constant struggle. He’d kick off the covers in a sweat and later cool off without them, hence the middle of the night bed wetting accidents.
    She went to the kitchen, poured herself a cup of water and heated it up in the microwave. She didn’t consider herself an official tea drinker until she bought a tea pot! For now she was an ex-coffee drinker who just wanted something warm to sip and besides, hot chocolate was unkind to the hips.
    Vala walked over to the door and lay on her bed. It was customary for her to sleep there when the night was settling in. Still Maggie wondered if her dreams were bothering the dog? Could she tell something was wrong with her master?
    Maggie shuffled back to her bed and flipped on the TV. Why cooking shows put her sleep, she still hadn’t figured out, but they worked. She looked over at her journal on the nightstand. She had over two weeks until her next appointment, who knows what may happen before then. Maybe life would get better, maybe she would miraculously heal. Maybe. 

    Claire called on the way to St. Bart’s. She wanted to meet up and give Maggie some clothes her daughters weren’t wearing. Maggie had been losing weight for over a year, she was down to a hundred pounds, another thing her therapist warned her against. Claire was the only one who didn’t pester her over the whole issue. Maggie was a single mom with a secret, and that made for stress, and stress caused her to skip meals, which led to weight loss.
    She reluctantly agreed, hoping to stay in the same mood as last night. And she would not, she looked in the rear view mirror, under any circumstance, tell Claire about Ben. She’d never hear the end of it.
    She pulled into the only space at the Green Café and brushed past two gentlemen who held the door open. Thank you she waved, happy to warm up inside the building. Most of the crowd got their morning latte and ran back out the door, she and Claire were the lucky ones, they were able to sit and chat.
    “What’s with you?”
    Claire burrowed her eyes into Maggie. “What?”
    Maggie unwound her scarf and tried to hold hack her smile. “Yeah, see, you are smiling?” Why are you smiling?”
           “Because it’s almost Christmas, that’s why.”
    Claire wriggled her finger in the air. “I’m on to you. Something’s up.”
            “Seriously, we drove up to a tree farm and got this monster size pine. Eli’s happy, so I’m happy.”
    “Have you started Christmas shopping yet?”
    “Can’t say that I have,” she answered guiltily.
    “But you have ideas right?” Claire ate her muffin and wiped her fingers. “Do kids still write to

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