Exclusive Love (British Billionaires Series)

Exclusive Love (British Billionaires Series) by Sorell Oates Read Free Book Online

Book: Exclusive Love (British Billionaires Series) by Sorell Oates Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sorell Oates
where she was. Opposite her was a modest-sized living room with a standing lamp. Lying on the sofa was the shape of another body. Sensing who she was with, she squinted hard trying to bring him into acute focus. Boring her eyes communicated with him on a subconscious level. The blurry form of Oscar shifted awkwardly on the sofa. Dropping a leg, his bare foot hitting the carpet jolted him from sleep.
    Positioning himself formally on the couch, automatically his eyes flew to Katy.
    ‘Don’t be scared,’ he whispered, triggering a reason for Katy to be scared.
    Her brown eyes were huge and afraid.
    ‘You passed out. I think it was a migraine. You had medication in your handbag. You asked me to fetch it. I gave you the tablet you asked for. You took it with water in my car. You weren’t able to manage to tell me your home address. It seemed sensible to take you here. You’ve been sleeping since.’
    Katy was nodding, letting Oscar know she’d heard and comprehended what he said with a calm, cool and caring voice.
    ‘Is my medication nearby?’
    Remaining rooted to the chair lest he frighten the half-awake young lady, he gestured to the right bedside table.
    ‘You had a blister pack with two tablets. I only gave you one.’
          Heavy-headed with the migraine lingering, Katy literally crawled across the mattress to retrieve her tablets. Her nails sliding over the table and crashing into the bedside lamp inclined Oscar to turn the lights on. He let her fumble half-blindly, concerned the reality of her whereabouts might shock her or the bright lights affect her headache. Having minor knowledge of migraines, he trusted Katy. Even in her sleepy coma-like state was confident treating herself.
    On the exploratory mission to find the remaining tablet, Katy’s hand careered into a glass of water. Lifting it to confirm she hadn’t knocked it over, she was glad to have liquid to swallow the pill. No sooner had she taken it then she rolled sideways into a heavy sleep.
    Waiting for her breathing to deepen, Oscar watched till he was certain she was asleep. He favored a cool room. Setting the air conditioner to a low temperature could be breezy to those not acclimatized to his preferences. Hauling the covers over her, he hadn’t meant to hesitate. Catching sight of her face, asleep Katy was only youth and innocence. Radiating an indescribable energy, the outspoken, quick witted journalist of earlier had been replaced by an angelic girl.
    Oscar knew when he’d initially met Katy he wanted to drink and run. As she’d opened up and lowered her barriers over the course of two drinks, he’d hoped the night would overrun. Certainly any intention that may have given rise later to her accompanying him home would not have been under these particular set of circumstances.
    Knowing he wouldn’t fall asleep for a while, he was tempted to unfold the pull-out sofa bed. Worried the noise would wake Katy, he settled on the couch hoping for rest.
    * * * *
          Waking brighter and revitalized, the room was flooded with light. Katy’s eyes were greeted by an expensive, contemporary furnished hotel room. The sycamore wood furniture complimented the neutral décor. The golden silk and velvet drapes visible from her bed gave the room character as opposed to a universal ambiance one might expect from traditional interior design.
          Knowing it was Oscar’s room, she was surprised it wasn’t grander. That the sleeping, living and dining area weren’t separate hinted this wasn’t the flashiest suites the Four Seasons had to offer. Unsure of what to do, she decided to explore. Throwing back the covers, Katy realized, while dressed, she was not in her clothes. Her black Chanel dress was hanging on the parallel wardrobe running the length of the king size bed.
          Comfortable in the oversized Cambridge university shirt, in order for her to be wearing it, someone (who could only be Oscar) would had to have got her out of

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