oolon weari howas twith ngaha tedco aplai ndit rdrou. Lyhest sudden oharan artedt neighb guehis imingt ourcla urpose hathep onhist lytrod rytime oeseve gotino anyone rout. Herapid however onedthe lyaband ionandm discuss htoward adeadas tseat savacan.
Slater is a few hour in in fron aw him aga resaintl tof the ga rossed in azareeng ation wit a convers who was te ha friend to get the lling him nof his ov top butto ised ercoatra.
Permutations by groups
of 9, 10, 11 and 12
Ards midda one day tow r platform yon the rea saw a young of an S bus I eck was too man whosen o was weari long and wh ha plaited nga hat wit it cord round. Started toh suddenly he neighbourc arangue his the purpose laiming tha stoes every ly trod on hi got in or out time anyone. Pidly abando however he ra ssion and mad ned the discu acant seat ea dash for av.
Er I saw him aga a few hours lat he gare Saintl in in front oft edina convers azare engross iend who waste ation with afr tthe top button lling him toge at raised a bit nof his overco.
Permutations by
of 1, 2, 3 and 4 words
Day one midday towards the on platform rear an of bus S saw I young a
whose man was neck long too who and wearing was hat a a with cord plaited it round.
Started to suddenly he neighbour claiming harangue his purposely trod that he toes every
on his got in time anyone or out. Abandoned the discussion however he rapidly dash for a
and made a vacant seat.
I saw him again a few hours later gare Saint-Lazare engrossed in front
of the a friend who was in a conversation with the top button of telling him to get his
overcoat raised somewhat.
In a hyperomnibus full of petrolonauts in a chronia of metarush I was a martyr to this microrama; a more than icosimetric hypotype, with a petasus pericycled by a caloplegma and a eucylindrical macrotrachea, anathematized an ephemeral and anonymous outis who, he pseudologed, had been epitreading his bipods, but as soon as he euryscoped a coenotopia he peristrophed and catapelted himself on to it.
At a hysteretic chronia I aesthesised him in front of the siderodromous hagiolazaric stathma; peripating with a compsanthroposwho was symbouleuting him about the metakinetics of a sphincterous omphale.
Naturally the bus was pretty well full and the conductor was surly. You
will find the cause of these things in the 8-hour day and the nationalisation schemes.
And then the French lack organisation and a sense of their civic duties otherwise it
wouldn’t be necessary to distribute numbered tickets to keep some semblance of
order among the people waiting to get on the bus—order is the word all right! That
day there were at least ten of us waiting in the blazing sun, and when the bus did
arrive there was only room for two, and I was the sixth. Luckily I said “On
Government business” and showed a card with my photo anda
tricolour band across it—that always impresses conductors—and I got on.
Naturally I have nothing to do with the unspeakable republican government but all the
same I wasn’t going to miss an important business luncheon for a vulgar question
of numbers. On the platform we were packed together like sardines. Such disgusting
promiscuity always causes me acute suffering. The only possible compensation is the
occasional charming contact with the quivering hindquarters of a dainty little
midinette. Ah youth, youth! But one shouldn’t let oneself get excited. That time I
was surrounded entirely by men, one of whom was a sort of teddy boy whose neck was of
inordinate length and who was wearing a felt hat with a kind of plait round it instead
of a ribbon. They ought to send all creatures of that sort off to labour camps. To
repair the war damage. That caused by the anglo-saxons, especially. In my day we were
Young Royalists, not Rock ’n Rollers. At any rate this young object suddenly makes
so bold as to start abusing an ex-service man, a real one,