Darby asked.
“A jaguar named Gideon.” He closed his eyes as visions of how he’d met Gideon filled his head.
Darby smoothed circles over his chest, shuddering beside him, and he knew she’d picked up on what he wasn’t saying.
“You met him in the labs.” A statement, not a question, and he couldn’t deny it.
He gave a jerk of his chin. “He’s a good male. Strong in body and mind. He’ll help smooth the way for the two of us.”
“I’ve read about him.” Another shudder went through her, and he’d bet anything she was recalling every detail of what she’d read, though he doubted any watcher had seen the inside of a hunter’s lab and lived. There were some places even watchers couldn’t follow, shouldn’t follow. He’d wish that hell on no man.
“Shh,” he soothed, moving her palm so it lay over his heart. “Feel the beat. I’m with you. The past can’t hurt us.”
She leaned up, propping her fist on his chest and resting her chin on it. “I still can’t believe we’re here. Together.”
“Mated,” he reminded with a growl. “You’re mine now, and nothing will change that.”
“And you’re mine.”
He moved quickly, rolling and tumbling her to the mattress beneath him. “All yours,” he agreed then took her mouth in a hungry kiss. He chuckled as she clung to him, not wanting him to pull away. “I need a shower.” He tapped his fingers against her full bottom lip. “Why don’t you relax while I do that?”
“You don’t want to shower together? Conserve water?”
He chuckled. “If you get in with me, the last thing on my mind will be getting clean. Christ, woman! You make me insatiable. I want nothing more than to bury my cock deep and stay inside you all day and all night. Nothing but the two of us naked and fucking for at least the next few years.”
He laughed again. “I’m an animal, baby.” He growled playfully, enjoying the way she giggled. She made him feel…alive in a way he hadn’t in far too long. She might not realize it yet, but she owned him. Every piece of him was hers to command.
He dropped another kiss on the tip of her nose and pushed himself off the bed. If he didn’t get moving, he’d spend the rest of the day in bed making love to her. Hell, maybe, he should have said decades.
Chapter Six
Calloway waited until he’d stepped into the bathroom later before he pulled out his phone and called the number Gideon had given him the last time they’d seen each other. Darby had fallen asleep, and he didn’t want to wake her. He’d taken the time to ease quietly from the bed, trying not to disturb her. She appeared so soft and fragile in slumber, as if the merest blow could take her away from him. Despite his reservations and discomfort, he’d ensure her safety however necessary, and that meant calling the last person he expected to.
He wouldn’t call Gideon a friend, though the other man was probably as close to one as Calloway had. They’d met under the worst of circumstances, each fighting to survive, and had managed to still be alive when the opportunity had come for escape. It had been another male who’d delivered the opportunity. One Gideon had called Thomas. Thomas had been the one to free Gideon, and Gideon had freed the other males in the room with them. Calloway counted himself lucky that he’d been one of them.
Gideon had been in touch a few times over the years, more so since he’d hooked up with the new pride. He’d urged Calloway to join them much as Darby did, quoting safety in numbers and trying to convince Calloway he had skills and information the pride could use. Maybe, he did; maybe, he didn’t. But Darby sure as hell did. She’d be a fountain of wisdom the pride needed, and she was hell bent on getting to them, one way or another. He would be a fool to try to stop her. All he could do was make sure she was as safe as he could make her on the trip there.
“Calloway,” Gideon answered