Fae Dominance
shocked," I began again, determined to finish this grisly tale. "They had never seen a pup so young shift. All they knew was that two pack members lay dead. One violated and mauled with the third, a female child, grievously injured and in shock. Both mother and child were nude as was father and son.
    "My father demanded they apprehend me, that I had betrayed the pack and tried to kill their Alpha. Duty and the basic need to protect warred within them and they paused.
    "I was able to bring myself to my feet and face my father. I met his gaze and held it unflinchingly. I had lost all fear of the creature that had sired me.
    "'You are an abomination,’ I told him. ‘You are not fit to be Alpha of this pack. One day I will take you down, and on that day our pack will dance upon your corpse.’
    "I turned to my father's men and told them quietly. ‘I came upon this,’ my arm raised to encompass the room. Derick's body on the floor, Rachel on the bed, and poor Jasmine being tended by one of the Betas. ‘Derick was already gone. Rachel only moments later and that bastard,’ I pointed at my father, ‘was about to…’ I stumbled upon the words, ‘violate poor jasmine and then he told me to join in. I lost it, shifted and attacked him.’
    "'The rest you know.’ They looked from my father to me. Richard, my father's second, asked me, a twelve-year-old boy—‘what do we do?’
    "Even at that age, I knew we could not openly challenge him. My father must have regained some of his senses, as he did not challenge the defiance of his second seeking my rule.
    "It was the hardest decision I had ever made. And one I still, to this day, will never forgive myself for. Without my father, the pack would fall apart and there was no one strong enough yet to take him on.
    "I stared at Jasmine as I issued the orders. ‘Clean up the mess and bury Derick and Rachel respectfully but quietly. This cannot leave this room.’
    "Richard nodded and glanced at Jasmine. That is when I told him to take her up North. There is a pack in Sutherland that is small and remote. It is in Port Gower, a tiny village. Talk to the pack Alpha there. His name is Duncan. Tell him what has happened and that she needs protection. They will protect her where we could not.
    "I walked over to Jasmine and knelt down beside her. ‘I am so sorry, Jas.’ My fingers brushed over her tear-streaked face. Her beautiful eyes opened and even mostly empty with shock a shimmer of the girl I knew was still there.
    "Her lips trembled but she managed to open them and whisper two simple words. ‘Thank you.’
    "My heart broke then, hardened and I turned to the man who had never held one. ‘Never go near her again. Never do anything like this again,’ I demanded.
    "The Alpha began to snarl at me but his Betas stood at my back. ‘If you ever sink to this level of depravity again, I will take it before the council.’ I had recently learned about the council in my studies. They were the body of supernatural beings that governed all of our races. They had the power to take out my father, but at the end of the day, I was only a child in the eyes of the world."
    Power surged and Oberon was on his feet. "He got away with it? A threat from a child and he was left to carry on? What is wrong with your pack, wolf? I will send my Puck to deal with this," he turned to Robin.
    "There is nothing to deal with, my Lord," he said sadly. "It was done long ago by mortal standards. Kale, finish your story quickly before our Lord loses his temper."
    Oberon sat down and glared at me but I carried on. "That day he went unpunished. He did not kill or harm any more of our wolves though and four years later, I finished the job when I found him beating my pregnant mother to death. I saved her, but not my brother," I finished painfully.
    The king sat back on his throne and pondered my tale. "What became of Jasmine," he asked.
    "She was sent to Scotland," I told him. "Their healers were able to repair most of

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