
Fade by Viola Grace Read Free Book Online

Book: Fade by Viola Grace Read Free Book Online
Authors: Viola Grace
Tags: Science-Fiction, Erotic Romance
kind is in danger.”
    “So, she is finding us protectors?”
    “Mates. She is finding you the one man who is your destiny. It sounds trite, but her accuracy is one hundred percent to date.”
    Her mind reeled, and she looked at the image of Akutan’s hand gripping her hip and his mouth slanted over hers with their hair snapping in the breeze.
    They were both wearing flowing black robes, which Amy thought was rather peculiar as there wasn’t an all-black set of clothing in the offerings that Teriki had shown her.
    “That is…I mean, it could happen, but what are we wearing?”
    “Rai Guardian uniforms. With Sacred Flame, myself and one other, we would put Rai on Guardian status and have access to immediate backup when incidents like today’s occur.” He moved the screen and pointed at the shoulder of the black robe her image was wearing. “Do you see that? It says Fade .”
    She blinked and smiled as she met his gaze. “Technically, it says the one who is not there , according to my studies.”
    “Fade is a loose translation.” He set the data pad aside. “So, this explains why Blade brought you here. She recognized me.”
    “Well, you do have a distinctive profile.” She chuckled at his startled look.
    He smiled, and they finished their meal in silence.
    The servants removed the dishes, and Akutan stood and offered her his hand. “Care to go for a walk?”
    She scooted one foot forward and used his hand to balance as she rose to her feet. “How extensive are the gardens?”
    Her soft slippers made no noise as they walked the path that led deeper into the green expanse. The hem of her robe and his dragged the ground behind them.
    “The gardens extend five kilometres down into the rock. We grow medicines for the locals, experimental plants that need a safe place to thrive are delivered by the Guardians and kept in isolation until they are developed. It is a quiet thing to live on Rai. Do you think you would be interested in making your stay here permanent?”
    Amy weighed her answer. “I don’t know enough about Rai to say yes or no, but if I could find a purpose, a duty to occupy my time, I would stay.”
    He inclined his head with a smile. “Why did you never join the Sector Guard, the Citadel or volunteer for the Guardians?”
    He had her there. She tried to keep her answer clear. “Because I want more than simply purpose. I want to enjoy my life on a day-to-day basis. Work is work and duty is duty, but there should be fun, enjoyment and time for one’s self. That is why I chose mechanics. I am good at it, but it leaves me time for me.”
    “You are correct.” He reached out and caressed the petals of a nearby flowering bush. With a short, sharp move, he snapped the flower at the base and handed it to her.
    Amy took the flower and lifted it to her face. The scent was a cross between roses and berries. “It’s lovely.”
    He smiled and resumed their walk.
    She finally noticed that she could see perfectly well but there were no lights visible. “How can we see where we are going?”
    “The moss that lines the walls and walkways gives off light. It is a natural species to Rai, and it has the bonus of scrubbing the atmosphere. Too much of it in one place can be dangerous, so we do not allow it to be sent off world…anymore.”
    “That sounds like there is a story behind it.” She smiled and twirled the flower between her fingers.
    “There is.” He didn’t offer any more information, but their path led them to the centre of a carefully cultivated flower garden. He stopped and pulled her against him.
    She looked up into his sharp features and braced her hands against his chest. His kiss swamped her senses. He slid one hand under her hair and held her as his mouth slanted over hers with increasing ferocity.
    His thumb stroked her neck, and she moaned as his tongue caressed hers in a sensual beat.
    She slid her hands up the fabric covering his chest, holding his head and neck as he continued to

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