Fall for You

Fall for You by Susan Behon Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Fall for You by Susan Behon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan Behon
    Reed defended himself. “SoI like cookies. Is that a crime?”
    As long as it wasn't the head of his last girlfriend, Sophie was on Reed's side.
    Ben elaborated. “Sophie's cookies.”
    Reed shrugged. “Hers are the best.”
    Really? She was definitely on his side now.
    Ben gave him a hardy thump on the shoulder. “You like cookies. I like cake.”
    Sophie nudged Tracy back. She felt strangely giddy and all because Reed had a crushon her cookies!
    Tracy whispered to Sophie. “You go on in. I have a date with a broom and dustpan.” Sophie had forgotten all about the mess! “You don't have to do that! It's my mess, I'll clean it up.”
    “ It's all my fault. Let me take care of it.” Reed had snuck up behind her again.
    She could feel the heat of him against her back. His aftershave was subtle yet spicy and, as of now, her new favorite.Sophie briefly closed her eyes and breathed in the sublime scent. She turned, gazed up at him, and could almost swear he looked proud of himself.
    Was he smug for sneaking up on her again or for taking part in making the mess?
    Tracy gave them both a little push. “Go on in and get started with measuring or hammering, or whatever needs done.” She winked at Sophie. “You know what we want so explainit to the guys. I'll be back in no time.”
    Reed took hold of her hand and led her toward where Ben was sitting.
    “ Okay, Sophie. Tell me exactly what you want and I'll make sure you have it.”
    She had to remind her hormones that they were talking about construction now. Time to get back to business.
    * * * *
    Reed watched Sophie from across the table. She did her best to look business-like andcomposed, but he wasn't buying it. He wasn't even talking about her T-shirt /shorts combo that were so big on her that he could probably wear them. Not that he would .
    It was her rosy cheeks and sparkling eyes that gave her away. He wasn't sure if it was in response to their kiss earlier or her excitement over having her wall built, but Reed wanted to kiss her again to find out.
    Somehow, shelooked just as good in this outfit as she did in the dress she had on earlier. It didn't seem to matter what she had on; she looked incredibly beautiful to him.
    When she started describing the project, Sophie spoke animatedly with her hands, orchestrating her ideas while walking back and forth across the floor. Ben started the paperwork and took notes. As Reed suspected, their request for a halfwall would be a fairly simple job. The two of them could really have it done in no time at all.
    Reed made some measurements so he could calculate the amount of lumber, drywall and other supplies they would need while Ben continued to jot down Sophie's requests, asking a question or so as he went. After a while, Tracy returned and added her input for the placement and height of the wall. Theystayed a lot longer than normal but after obtaining more than enough details, it was time to go.
    Standing, Reed collected his clipboard and tape measure and got ready to leave. “I'll go over the measurements, supply list and such, and have an estimate ready for you by tomorrow afternoon or the day after that at the latest. If you ladies find it acceptable, we can begin work as soon as the beginningof next week.”
    Sophie smiled, then bit her lip. “Do you mean, you, as in you, or do you mean a different crew?”
    Reed liked that she was asking. “Ben and I will take this project. Keith and a lot of our workers are committed to other jobs right now.”
    Ben rose and shook first Tracy's hand and then Sophie's. Reed took his cue and did the same. Ben waited by the front door while Reed lingered overSophie's soft, delicate hand.
    “ I'll probably have the numbers by tomorrow. If it's later than that, I'll call you.” He gazed into her eyes and gave her hand a subtle squeeze. “See you, Soph.” He looked over at her friend. "Bye, Tracy."
    With that, they were out the door and headed to his truck.
    As they watched

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