The Last Praetorian

The Last Praetorian by Mike Smith Read Free Book Online

Book: The Last Praetorian by Mike Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mike Smith
Tags: Science-Fiction, adventure, Romance, Fantasy
current makeup of the Senate when the data-link
dropped out and I cannot re-establish it…” Jon checked the communication system
again which still reported that all data-links with the fleet were still down. 
Bringing Sofia up-to-speed on the current situation he explained that if they
could not re-establish communication they would return to the fleet to
determine the cause of the communication failure.  However, the explanation was
suddenly cut short by a communication from the Imperial Star . 
    “Finally!” Jon exclaimed stabbing the control to open the
channel, ready to demand an explanation for the inexplicable loss of communications.
 However, Jon’s demand for an explanation died in his throat when the face of
Commodore Harkov appeared, unsuccessfully trying to suppress a smirk on his
    “Commander,” he started without any preamble “we have a
situation here , there has been an unsuccessful coup attempt on the Imperial
Star , we have now regained control of the ship but there have
been…casualties.”  Shifting his focus to Sofia he continued.  “Princess
Aurelius, I have to regrettably inform you that your father, Emperor Marcus
Aurelius was killed by the traitors during the attempted coup.”
    Jon’s blood ran cold upon hearing this news. He had failed
his master in the most grievous way possible.  The sudden short gasp next to
him reminded Jon that Sofia was far more affected, a daughter who had just lost
her father.  Glancing up at Sofia he noticed that her face had turned an ashen
pale and she wavered on her feet for an instant.  Grabbing her arm in a firm
grip he helped lower her towards the empty co-pilot seat next to him.  Jon’s
thoughts meanwhile were in a whirl… When? What? How?  However, his thoughts
were interrupted by the Commodore’s next instruction, which made the hair on
the nape of his neck rise in alarm. “Commander, I am ordering you and your
squadron to escort Princess Aurelius back to the Imperial Star until we
have a better handle on the situation.”
    You cannot be serious!
    To return Sofia to the ship where her father had just been
murdered?  The security around Sofia’s father, Emperor Aurelius was
impenetrable.  Jon should know, having spent most of the past few years as head
of the Praetorians personally overseeing his personal security.  Multiple layers
of security ringed the Emperor; it would take somebody with extremely high rank
to be able to have penetrated all of them.  Suddenly Jon’s heart froze, as if
somebody had clamped a fist around it.  Staring into the face of the Commodore,
who was unsuccessfully trying to suppress his smirk, the face of somebody
extremely self-satisfied.  Jon knew with absolute certainty the Commodore was
behind this plot.  Jon had always known that the man was a liar and cheat who
hungered for power, but to move against the Emperor himself?  Treason!  Jon
gripped the hilt of the sword at his side until his hand turned white… He
should have cut off this serpent’s head when he had the opportunity… glancing
at the glazed face of Sofia, he knew that he was too late and she now had to
live with the consequences of his mistake. 
    Knowing that he would never give-up Sofia into the hands of
this lunatic, Jon replied firmly.  “The Emperor’s final command to me was that Princess
Aurelius was to be escorted safely to Eden Prime; as nobody has the authority
to override that command, I will continue to carry out my duty.” 
    The smirk on the face of Harkov’s face slipped slightly into
a snarl as he once again ordered.  “Commander, I now have ultimate authority
for this fleet and I am ordering you to turn your squadron around and proceed
at best possible speed to the Imperial Star and hand-over Princess
Aurelius into my personal protection.” 
    Jon almost had to laugh at the order, hand over Sofia into
the arms of this traitor… he would sooner fall on his own sword.  Instead he
simply replied, “The

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