Fallen: The Demontouched Saga (Book 2)

Fallen: The Demontouched Saga (Book 2) by Douglas Wayne Read Free Book Online

Book: Fallen: The Demontouched Saga (Book 2) by Douglas Wayne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Douglas Wayne
die. The only thing this one has going for him is any doctor worth his salt will be able to remove the fragments.
    “The small one near the truck entrance?” I find it hard to believe that he would hide somewhere that would leave him that vulnerable.
    “No. The large building on the far side of the parking lot.”
    That is the building where the security personnel would report to daily. It would have a locker room and its own set of offices. In the Nilton Company prime, they would have had upwards of thirty security guards on each shift to cover the complex.
    I pull out my phone and call Azrael. “He’s in the security building.”
    “On my way. I’ll try to leave you a few to kill.” Az laughs.
    “Don’t hold back on my account.” I hang up the phone and kneel down next to the demon. “As much as I want to watch you suffer, I have to go kill your boss and I can’t have you crawling down after me when I leave.” I stab my knife in his chest and watch him die.
    I take a moment to look around the room before heading down to help Az. I figure he can handle himself for a few more minutes. There has to be a reason they were sitting in this room and not somewhere else.
    I sit down in one of the office chairs and start going through the desk. I find pay dirt when I open the first drawer and pull out a large bag of gummy bears sitting on a stack of manila folders. I put the candy in my pocket and start going through the files, but I don’t find anything that looks remotely important. I can’t imagine the personal details of a half dozen former employees will do anyone a lot of good at this point.
    The next drawer is much of the same, without the gummy bears, so I start to go through the ones on the other side. The bottom one was completely empty, but in the top drawer there was a stack of pictures of the convention center back in the city from a dozen different angles. I pick up another stack of pictures and notice a small flash drive underneath. It could be totally unrelated, but I should be safe. I put the pictures and drive in my pocket and work my way out back.
    Once I’m outside I notice a stack of boxes stacked up alongside the building. I use the knife to open one up, being careful not to pierce the box. With my luck I would hit a bottle of sarin gas and die a pretty nasty death. I may have watched Alcatraz one too many times, but I know that is not the way I want to go out.
    Once the tape is cut I open the top to find some plastic cases sitting inside. I pull one out and take a look at it. What I am looking for is some sort of marking to tell me what might be inside. If it was something as simple as some hand tools there would be a label or a stamp on one of the sides, but this case was clean. Not knowing what I’m dealing with, I put the case back in the box and note my position on my GPS so I can find them after we deal with Israfil.
    I’m about halfway to the security guard shack when I hear the loud screeching of tires of the pavement. Seconds later there are a pair of headlights aimed directly at me. Instinctively, I level the gun at the car and try to take out the driver before he can run me over.
    I aim at the driver’s side of the car and pop off a few shots before rolling out of the way at the last moment. Once the car is past me, I take aim at the rear of the car, but it is too far to make a difference.
    “Bastard had six of ‘em on me before I could drive my blade in his heart.” Azrael walks from behind me and puts his sword back in its sheath.
    “That was him?”
    Azrael nods. “Find anything in the warehouse?”
    “Flash drive, a few pictures, and some writing on the office doors.” I pull out my phone and show him the writing and bodies. “Gonna need to grab the truck too.”
    “He left a bunch of toys.”

    Az and I loaded the boxes into the back of the Expedition and started heading towards the only guy I know that can

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