Family Matters

Family Matters by Laurinda Wallace Read Free Book Online

Book: Family Matters by Laurinda Wallace Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laurinda Wallace
They’re not known for their investigative skills. You should have a security system or something, you know.” Isabelle was impeccably dressed, as usual in a cropped pink jacket with delicate cream piping and black capris. Her hair and makeup were perfect. Only the hardness in her eyes belied her appearance.
    “We have a security system. That’s why they took off so fast. There have been several burglaries lately and the deputies are working on it—like I said.”
    “We’ll see. But I do need to talk to about the things Father gave you yesterday. Can we go inside?”
    Gracie’s stomach began to churn. There was no way Isabelle was getting anything from her, at least right now.
    “I really don’t have time Isabelle. I’m short staffed and…”
    “Well, this is family business . Father didn’t consult me before he gave you that bag of books and whatever else.”
    “Isabelle, it was just some old dog books…nothing exciting. I haven’t even had a chance to go through it yet.” She felt a twinge of conscience, but she wasn’t going to mention the diary.
    “I’d be glad to do that for you and then pass along the appropriate books to you.”
    “I’m sure Uncle Stan…”
    “Father is not himself and hasn’t been for years. I—”
    “Listen, Isabelle, I’ll go through them soon, and let you know. I really don’t have time to deal with this right now. I can’t believe you’re concerned about some old books. Don’t you have more important things to do, like your mother’s probate?”
    Isabelle was not mollified, but Gracie could see a hint of defeat in her cousin’s face.               “You’re right, Gracie. I do have an appointment with Mother’s attorney today. There’s so much to do. I’ll call you tomorrow.”
    Gracie knew Isabelle wouldn’t let this little tug-of-war go. She’d just regroup. But Gracie wasn’t in the mood to be pushed around.Two could play this game.
    “I’ll look forward to it.” Gracie stood with arms folded across her chest and saw with satisfaction the flicker of uncertainty in Isabelle’s eyes.
    As the Lexus spun its way onto the highway, Jim called to Gracie from the front door of the reception area. He had just finished replacing the broken panes of glass.
    “Hey, Chief, way to handle the extremely difficult cousin.”
    “Well, maybe, but it’s not over. Isabelle won’t let this go, especially after what I found in that bag.”
    “Some dark family secret?”
    “Something interesting, but I haven’t had a chance to look at it yet. I’ll show you later.”
    “It’s a date.” He picked up his toolbox and headed toward the storage barn. “Hey, I’m headed to Midge’s for a coffee break. With any luck I’ll snag a kennel helper. Maybe Gloria Minders can help us out.”
    “I’m not so sure about that avenue, but I hope you can find someone. I do have Marian Majewski coming today. She’ll whip the grooming into shape. Bring me back a sweet roll, if you can remember. I need a sugar boost.”
    “Not to worry, Chief . Sweet roll and a warm body. No problem.” 
    His noisy Explorer headed back out to the highway.

Chapter 7
    Gracie was navigating a sparkling Westie named Jasper in the holding area, when Jim strode in with a thin gray-haired man, in worn jeans and a gray T-shirt. He slouched a little and kept his eyes on the ground.
    “You’ll never guess who I ran into, Chief.” Jim was grinning from ear to ear and looking pleased with himself.
    “I have no idea, but I’m sure you’ll tell me.” Gracie’s first impression of Jim’s companion didn’t warrant a smile.
    “This is Joe Youngers. You know, from high school. He was a year ahead of us. You remember him on the wrestling team.”
    Gracie looked closely at the man. He did look vaguely familiar.
    “Joe. Really?  How are you?”  From what she could remember, Joe had been a troublemaker in high school and had continued his bad behavior into adulthood.

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