Fatal Truths (The Anarchy Medieval Romance)

Fatal Truths (The Anarchy Medieval Romance) by Anna Markland Read Free Book Online

Book: Fatal Truths (The Anarchy Medieval Romance) by Anna Markland Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anna Markland
soulful black eyes.
    She stroked the dog, smiling in acknowledgment of the good natured laughter of other servants.
    “Faol seems to have a liking for Scots.”
    The rich humor in the masculine voice took her completely by surprise. She hadn’t noticed that the Comte had left his place on the dais and now stood beside her. The wolfhound growled when she tried to stand. “I’m sorry, milord , I didn’t see—”
    He put a hand on her shoulder. “There is no need to rise, Elayne. We don’t want to disturb the dog.”
    The warmth of his hand penetrated to the very center of her body. “ Milord ,” she replied in a voice she barely recognized.
    People were watching, curious about what was happening. She was on fire. They could no doubt tell she was smitten with the man. They would judge her a brazen servant with designs on their Seigneur .
    “Please, call me Alex,” he said, kneading his fingers lightly into her shoulder.
    Alex! Not even his full given name! An endearing nickname she’d heard only on his brothers’ lips, as if they were familiar with each other. Close friends. Elation and confusion warred within her. She craved his friendship, his touch, his warmth, but did his actions mean he intended to take her as his mistress?
    What else could it mean? A Norman Count could never embark on any other kind of relationship with a female servant.
    Could he tell she had feelings for him?
    “You and I must be friends, Elayne, for the well being of the children. Agreed?”
    She had let her heart get ahead of her brain. He sought only to nurture his relationship with the children. She should be relieved. Why then did she feel bereft?
    RELAXING IN THE GALLERY , Alex heard his brother’s voice, but wasn’t paying attention, his thoughts preoccupied with Elayne. She was a mystery. It was becoming clear that she was no ordinary servant.
    “You’re not listening, Alex,” Laurent said.
    “He doesn’t want to listen,” Romain chided.
    It was true. Since his return home, Laurent had harangued him about changing sides in the conflict between Stephen and Maud. What bothered him was that he was beginning to see the wisdom of his brothers’ and his cousin’s reasoning. “I will listen,” he said. “But your argument will have to be convincing.”
    Laurent paced, raking a hand through his hair. “Why are you being so stubborn?”
    “Our father swore an oath to support Maud.”
    Laurent stopped pacing and glared at Alex. “Everyone swore, but it was done under duress.”
    Romain pounded his fist into his palm. “If Papa were still alive, he would have switched his allegiance to Stephen. Maud has demonstrated by her actions and her manner she is not suited to be Queen.”
    Alex bristled. Being lectured as to what his father might have done didn’t sit well in his gut. “And what has Stephen accomplished in the six months he’s been king to warrant our support?”
    Laurent braced his legs, hands on his hips. “He marched north almost immediately after his coronation to fend off the attacks by King David of Scotland on Carlisle and Newcastle.”
    “But we ’re allies of King David. We have his grandchildren as our guests.”
    Laurent rolled his eyes. “The point is, Stephen quickly organized a strong defense of the kingdom our Conqueror won for us.”
    Alex threw his hands in the air. “But the King of the Scots still holds Carlisle. He gave up only Newcastle, and will attack Northumbria and Cumberland again when Maud invades England. He has sworn it, and we hold Henry and Claricia as a guarantee. What will become of them if we change sides?”
    Dread filled his heart. The silence in the gallery was deafening. Maud would quickly take charge of the hostages if Alex changed allegiance. He would never see them or Elayne again.
    Laurent put a hand on his shoulder. “Therein, I believe, lies the crux of the problem. What would your decision be, brother, if King David’s grandchildren and their nursemaid were not

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