
Fear by Francine Pascal Read Free Book Online

Book: Fear by Francine Pascal Read Free Book Online
Authors: Francine Pascal
was willing to bet more than words had been flying.
    Standing ten feet away was Heather. Actually, Heather was pacing, bouncing, and jumping up and down. Anything but standing. As far as Gaia could tell, Heather was still wearing the same sweatshirt and jeans she had worn the night before at the brownstone. Her hair had gone beyond tangled, into rat’s nest territory that even Gaia rarely reached.
    â€œYou. . . you. . . ,” Heather said. She backed up a step, came forward, tightened her hands into fists. Then backed up again. “You think you know what’s important, but you don’t because, see, you’re afraid. You’re afraid of everything. I thought I knew, but I was wrong because tiny, tiny. . .” She stopped and her throat worked up and down, as if there were more words down there, but she couldn’t choke them out.
    At first Gaia could only stare in amazement and horror. The Heather that showed up at the brownstone had definitely been playing hockey with a warped puck. This Heather had thrown the puck away.
    Gaia stepped forward. “What’s going on, Heather?”
    Heather’s neck snapped around, and her face took on a smug, satisfied expression. “There you are. I knew you would turn up.”
    â€œYou did?” What was it they said in all the psych books? Talk in a calm, rational tone. Make eye contact. “Were you looking for me?”
    Heather snorted, a big honking snort-laugh that would have had the old, sane Heather blushing with embarrassment. “I wasn’t looking for you. I’m never looking for you. I don’t care if I ever see you.”
    Yeah, I love you, too. “So, what’s wrong, then?”
    â€œWrong? Nothing’s wrong.” Heather spread her arms wide, like she wanted to give the whole planet a hug. The expression on her face changed to a broad smile. “For the first time in my life, everything is absolutely and completely right.”
    Across the hall, Megan took this opportunity to flee into the crowd. Gaia could hear the girl crying as she ran down the hall. Heather didn’t seem to notice.
    â€œWhy don’t we go outside?” Gaia suggested. “Maybe we can find a—”
    â€œWhy don’t you go to hell?” said Heather. Strands of dirty brown hair spilled down her forehead, and there was a dangerous shine in her eyes, like someone running a high fever. She stepped forward until her face was only inches from Gaia’s. “You think I’m afraid of you?”
    Despite herself Gaia felt the warm surge and tingle that came with a fight. The muscles in her arms and legs tensed. “I don’t know. Are you?”
    â€œNot anymore. I’m not afraid of you. I’m not afraid of anything.” Heather took a step back and put her hands on her hips. Suddenly she smiled. “I’m free, see what I mean?”
    Gaia relaxed. Heather was being erratic, but she didn’t seem to be actually—
    The punch caught Gaia at the corner of the jaw and knocked her back. She stepped back in surprise, and then the fire was burning through her. She wasn’t just ready to fight; she was in a fight.
    Heather waded toward her, her arms waving through the air. “See! See!” she shouted. “I’m not afraid. Not afraid.” She sent a roundhouse punch toward Gaia’s face.
    Gaia blocked the punch with a forearm. It was a clumsy punch, really, but Heather delivered it with unexpected force. Gaia blocked a second punch, ducked a third, and stopped a jab against the palm of her open hand.
    Heather laughed. She threw her punches cheerfully, as if fighting was the greatest thing in the world. If she noticed that none of her shots were connecting, it didn’t show on her face.
    â€œMs. Moore! Ms. Gannis!” shouted a voice from the right. “Stop it this instant.”
    Gaia didn’t turn to look at the voice. She had already taken two

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