Feral Magic
actually heard his teeth – fangs – gnash.
    A hideous roar echoed.  She cringed.
    Heart pounding, Dak whipped around and stared into the fluid airwaves of the portal.  The gate solidified.  He saw Bretine change shape.  Fast, so fast!  That speed was the special gift of the Bruton klatch...and she could draw on the moon or moons where she was as well as Earth's.
    A white tiger with black stripes sprang from the opening, roaring, all fangs and fur and claws, aiming for Dak.
    But Earth's moon was up.  He'd established a bond with it, pulled on it before, could do so now.  He yanked viciously hard, changed fast, losing muscle mass as he converted it to energy.
    He rose to meet the tiger, roaring his own challenge, lunged with teeth toward her skull for a death stroke.  She'd aimed for the man and gotten the panther.
    They clashed and rolled, both curled tight in a ball, both reaching with hind paws to protect their own bellies and rip at the other's gut.
    His ears drummed with his blood and his own roar.  Bretine's growls.  And female human screaming too loud and shrill.  Brandy.
    Who with two swipes would be dinner for Bretine.  After Brandy would be Favel.
    Dak had everything to lose if he didn't fight and win.
    Thought deserted and teeth and instinct took over.  He and Bretine were much the same weight and size.  Dak flipped.  He and Bretine rolled away .  He landed on top and his muzzle peeled back.  Good!
    Her claws scored his back, her teeth scraped skin from his head, tore his right ear nearly off.  Pain!
    He got a good grip on her neck, ripped, raked his own claws along her side.
    The scent of blood, the taste of it, the power of moonlight filtered in the sun rushed through him.
    Another smell – luscious, sex-woman-mate-smell – almost distracting.
    Woman!  The woman rushed toward him, too close, too close!  Dak slipped a bit, got rolled under.  Sliced along his haunch.  Move away, away, away!   Put himself between tiger and human.
    The woman circled, holding something – hell! nearly gutswiped!
    A terrible odor erupted into the air, worse than the usual smells.  Awful chemicals.
    White foam showed on Bretine's head, dripping down into her eyes.  She shrieked, tore away from him, leaving muscle and fur in his teeth.  She whirled.  He followed.
    Brandy aimed a canister in her hand, shot with it, and spray hit Bretine – in her face, eyes and nose, and in her wounds.  Wild cries.  The rage took the tiger.  Her muscles bunched.
    Calculations zoomed in Dak's mind.  Bretine's weight, his position, hers, the angle of the portal in the sky.  He pivoted, aimed, butted her body with his head, drew on magic, flung her back to the portal, praying his aim was good.
    There was a flash, a shriek, the smell of burning fur as she sailed through, making him smile.
    He crouched and panted, pricked his good ear as he heard voices.
    "No, my lady, you must not return if the natives are so inimical.  You bleed,” a man said in officious tones, no doubt a portal keeper.
    "It isn't the natives, you fool; it's a Dark Panther enemy."
    "We do not allow dueling or feuding here.  I am closing the portal for now."
    "Let me GO!" shrieked Bretine.
    "I must protest your struggles.  Guards!" called the keeper.
    "It took us hours to find the portal, for me to persuade you to let me go through.  It could float away once more!  Stay bribed, damn you!" Bretine snarled.
    "Guard!" the keeper ordered.
    The portal simply vanished.
    Dak laughed, let his joints weaken until he lay on his belly.
    Brandy took a few steps back, her hand holding the nasty metal tube falling to her side.  She swallowed, her eyes large.  "Are you okay?" she whispered.
    Rubbing at his sore, torn ear, he repositioned it so it would crust over.
    I will be fine.   He grinned.   Did you see how I beat her?
    Brandy took a step back, wet her lips.  "Yes.  You were great."  Her tones were stiff.
    His eyes narrowed and she retreated even more,

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