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we should ask her
how to make us immune. She may take it over the continual
feedings,” the Chief Liaison Officer said.
“Exavior only made himself immune, not his
entire house… makes me think we couldn’t protect us all with
“But if one Elder were immune, then it would
do no good to turn the entire city to ash.”
“True, I guess we could ask her.”
Derrick walked into the
council chambers, “Torrance has returned.”
Quinn frowned, “He has?”
“Yes, Sir. He showed up a
few minutes ago.”
“Let him in,” Zohn said,
and they watched for the missing Cavalry member.
A heku entered. He was
wearing a dirty and torn Cavalry uniform, but looked to be in good
health. He stepped before the Council.
“Are you ok?” Chevalier asked.
“Yes, Sir. The Encala fed
me before letting me go,” he explained.
“You’ve been with the Encala this entire
“No, I started off in the
Ferus jail, but the Encala took me and put me into their
Zohn sighed, “Were you ever tortured or
“No, Sir. I wasn’t fed,
but was never tortured.”
“Did they say why they let you go?” Quinn
“No, Sir.”
“Did you see Emily?”
“No, Sir… is she with the Encala?”
“Yes, she is.”
“I didn’t catch her scent in the
Quinn turned to Chevalier, “Maybe they’ve
moved her out of the palace.”
“Maybe,” he said, and
watched the member of the Cavalry.
“Give Mark a full report.
It’s good to have you back,” Zohn said, and smiled. They watched
the heku leave.
“Check with some of our
spies. See if we can find where they’ve taken Emily,” Quinn said to
Derrick. He nodded and left the council chambers.
“Emily?” William said, sitting down on her
She looked over at him and
he was shocked by the lack of color in her face, and the dullness
of her eyes.
“Please,” she whispered.
“Don’t use my neck.”
William looked down at the blanket, “I’m
“Just not my neck,” she
said, and handed over her wrist.
The Encala Elder sighed,
“If there was any other way.”
“Drain me, please,” she
whispered, and looked into his eyes.
He reached over and
touched her cheek softly, “I don’t want to kill you.”
“I can’t live like this.”
Her voice was soft and desperate, “How long have I been
“It’ll be five weeks tomorrow.”
“If you care about me at all, end it.”
William picked up her hand
and hesitated before sinking his teeth into the soft flesh of her
wrist. As her body relaxed, a tear fell down her cheek. When he was
finished, he pulled a blanket up over her and kissed her hand
before leaving.
Aaron met William out in the hallway, “How
is she?”
“Not good. She wants us to
kill her.”
“I wonder about trying her without the
draining part… see if she’ll just behave.”
“Can we risk that? If she
gets the strength to ash the palace, it would be too
Aaron nodded, “That’s true.”
“I don’t like this
either,” William said. “We’re slowly killing her.”
Frederick came up to them, grinning, “Enjoy
your lunch?”
“No, as a matter of fact I didn’t,” William
told him.
The Chief Enforcer
shrugged and walked into Emily’s room. He was assigned to control
her long enough to make her eat, though the day of a feeding, and
several days after, all he could manage was for her to drink some.
The doctor mixed up a high calorie drink for those days.
Aaron and William walked up and met Reese in
the Elder’s conference room. The two of them sat down.
“The Equites’ Powan Coven
wiped out our Scotch Coven last night. They killed all 251 and
burned the main house,” Reese said.
“What caused that?” William asked,
“From what I gather, the
Lord of Scotch Coven sent a message to the Lord of Powan. He
bragged that with our possession of their Winchester, Powan would
soon be obliterated.”
“Why would he