Ferus : Book 6 of the Heku Series
    “Good, now you’re more
manageable,” Frederick said, and picked her up before her legs gave
    William and Aaron met them inside the
    “Are you sure you didn’t take too much?”
William asked.
    Aaron was looking at her face, “She’s paler
than she should be.”
    “She’s fine… a little
blood loss won’t hurt her, and now she can’t turn us to ash,”
Frederick said proudly. “Quite succulent, I might add.”
    “There has to be another way to keep the
palace safe, other than keeping her blood supply low,” William
said, frowning.
    “Not really, and this
way’s much more fun than any others,” Frederick told them,
laughing. He laid her down on the bed, and her limp body stayed
exactly where he put her.
    “Get those fires going and
warm up this room,” Aaron said, feeling her cold hand. He pulled
the blankets up over here.
    “How much information did she give?” William
    “Well, the Equites know she’s with us now,
and in our palace. They also told her that the baby is with them
and not here.”
    “Damn, that’s what I was
afraid of. Get bars on those windows and tell the guards to expect
the Equites,” Aaron said, and left the room.
    Frederick smiled down at Emily and
disappeared to round up the guards.
    William sat down beside her and took her
cold hand, “Forgive us… if there were any other way.”
    Several hours later, a
guard came into her room and bent down by the Elder, “The Equites
have representatives here to see the Council.”
    William nodded and
followed the guard out of the room. When he sat down with the
Council, Reese told the door guard to let them in.
    Zohn, Kyle, Mark, and
Silas entered the enemy trial room.
    “Is there a problem?” Reese asked.
    “You know damn well there
is. We want to see Emily,” Zohn said.
    “She’s busy,” Frederick told them.
    “No, she’s not. We want to
see her immediately. We know she’s here.”
    “Yes, she is here,”
William said. “Where she’ll stay. As proven by past events, the
Valle aren’t capable of handling the responsibility of a
Winchester, and we aren’t so sure the Equites are
    “It’s more than that and
you know it,” Kyle growled. “She has children that depend on her.
She’s not a weapon to be handed around. We are her
    “Noted, and we’ll take
that into consideration,” Reese said. “For now though, you may not
see her.”
    “What’s it going to take?” Zohn asked.
    “For Emily’s return? It won’t happen,”
William told him.
    “She doesn’t want to be
here, and I have a feeling you’ll pay for it if you don’t let her
come with us.”
    “No, we’ve taken
precautions to ensure our safety, and I can assure you we are
    “What precautions?” Mark growled.
    “None of your concern… you
may go. We have trials to attend to,” Aaron said, and watched as
the Equites were escorted out by the guards.
    “We can’t keep her blood
drained for the rest of her life,” William said. “We need to come
up with another safety measure or we could kill her.”
    “I don’t know. I kind of
like this way,” Frederick chuckled.
    “Don’t push it. The rest
of the feeding will be done by the Elders only, to ensure it’s not
overdone,” Reese said, and grinned when Frederick’s face grew
    The first week passed, and
Emily stayed in her room, away from the heku. She refused to eat
and wouldn’t talk to any of the Encala.
    She looked over at the
door when someone knocked. Lieutenant Andrew came in and smiled,
“Do you have a moment?”
    He waited for a few seconds before coming in
and sitting in a chair by her bed, “We were thinking about getting
a football game going, would you like to join us?”
    Emily didn’t respond. She
just watched him.
    Lt. Andrew sighed, “What
about bowling? We can go set up the lanes.”
    She looked back at her
book and turned the page, ignoring the Lieutenant.
    “Ok, if you change your
mind…” Lt. Andrew

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