Fiery Fate

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Book: Fiery Fate by Jaci Burton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jaci Burton
Tags: Book - Paranormal Erotica Series
Uncertainty fills your life right now, mixed with a bit of fear at the unknown.”
    “I know you of all people are aware of my feelings.” Only Noele had not been in love with another man when she met Garick. There was the difference. A difference she could not begin to explain to her sister.
    “I beg your forgiveness, Noele. I am sorry that Garick had to leave and explain my absence to Braedon.
    I know you hate to be apart from him.”
    “I do not blame you, sister. How could you know that Trista would hide the note?”
    “I should know better than to trust the little minx. I worry about what kind of havoc she will create once in Greenbriar.”
    “Oh, Garick will make sure she maintains proper decorum. Have no fear on that count.” When Trista was involved, one never knew what could happen. Already she’d made a bigger mess of the situation here than Solara had made by herself. As if she had needed help causing chaos at Winterland.
    “Nevertheless, I will still beg forgiveness from you, and from Garick upon his return. As far as Trista, I will be having a firm word with her when she arrives.” Noele laughed. “As will we both. Come now, let us get some sleep.” When Noele stood, she swayed and grabbed for Solara’s hands. Alarmed, Solara gently sat her back down.
    “What is wrong?”
    Noele offered a gentle smile. “I felt a bit faint for a moment. I am fine now.”
    “You’re pale. Something is wrong with you.” She stood, intending to call for Isolde, but Noele grabbed her hand.
    “There is nothing wrong with me, Solara. Sit down.” She shook her head. “No. You are dizzy and obviously something ails you. Let me get Isolde and she can fetch the physician.”
    “I have already seen the physician, and he pronounced me fit. And pregnant.” Solara sat abruptly. “Pregnant? You are having a child?” The color began to return to Noele’s face, the silver on her cheeks sparkling. “Aye. In seven months time.”
    Joy replaced her earlier anguish and she hugged Noele fiercely. “I am so happy for you. May all that is magic in the universe bestow the gifts of love and happiness on your child.” Noele nodded. “Thank you, Solara.”
    “I imagine Garick is beaming with pride.”
    “He will be, once I tell him.”
    “He does not know yet?”
    “I only found out two days ago. I did not want to tell him before he left for Greenbriar, knowing how he would worry.”

    The guilty feeling returned. “Oh, Noele, I am so sorry that you had to delay telling Garick your good news. I truly have mucked things up, haven’t I?”
    Noele graced her with a beautiful smile, the magic of her happiness giving her a silver glow like a halo surrounding her body. “You have followed your heart, Solara. There is nothing wrong with that.”
    “I have been impulsive and stupid for no reason. There is plenty wrong with that.” Noele laughed and kissed her forehead. “Rest now. We will talk more tomorrow. There is much to plan now that the baby is coming.”
    After Noele left, Solara paced her chambers, with every passing moment convinced that Garick needed to return to Winterland immediately. She worried about the danger he might face traveling to and from Greenbriar.
    What if something happened to him? Not only would his child not have a father, but he would never even know about the child he’d created with Noele. And it would be entirely her fault.
    She had to do something, and now. Hurrying out of her room, she crept down the hallway, stopping in front of the massive door leading to Roarke’s chambers.
    It was late. Would he be abed? Images of him throwing open the door naked refused to leave her mind.
    Now is not the time for fantasies of Roarke. He is the only one who can help you. You need his warrior’s heart right now more than you need his man’s body.
    If only she could convince her own traitorous body of that fact. Before her courage failed, she rapped on the door.
    Her heart leaped into her throat as

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