Fiery Fate

Fiery Fate by Jaci Burton Read Free Book Online

Book: Fiery Fate by Jaci Burton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jaci Burton
Tags: Book - Paranormal Erotica Series
venture to Greenbriar. But she thought Roarke would be happy to see her.
    Instead, he was furious. Why? Was he disappointed that she had not already left? Was her constant presence at Winterland a burden to him? She had so many questions, yet she refused to ask him again to explain himself.
    “We could meet up with the guard much faster if you’d cooperate.” He’d been mumbling as they walked, but she at least heard that part. Digging in her heels, she pulled at him. “Roarke, stop. Your stride is much longer than mine and I am having a difficult time keeping up.” Truth, she was trying her best to delay returning to the castle, knowing she would have to depart for Greenbriar as soon as they went back.
    He stopped finally, glaring at her. “You should have thought of that before you ran off to hide in the forest.”
    “I did not run off and hide. I came out here to think.”
    “About what?”

    Rolling his eyes heavenward, he took off for the clearing without her. She scrambled to keep up, no longer wishing to be left alone. “I saw that look you gave me. Did you not see the note I left?” He whirled around and pointed a finger at her. “Aye, we found your hidden note. The day after Garick and half of Winterland’s guards left for Greenbriar.”
    “What? I left the note with…” Oh no. Trista. She closed her eyes and knew that she was in serious trouble. Trista had not given the note to Noele after she’d left.
    “You left the note under the bed, hoping no one would discover it until they were well away.”
    “That is not true!”
    “You are a coward, Solara. I had thought you a brave woman until you acted like a spoiled child and ran off.”
    He was not even willing to listen to her explanations. Irritation made her blood run hot. “I am not a child, and I am certainly not spoiled.”
    “You deserve a spanking for the way you’ve behaved. Do you know how worried everyone was when they could not find you? They thought you had been captured by the wizards. Your sisters cried for two days. Garick has had to leave his castle, accompanied by Trista, to explain your absence to your betrothed.”
    This was not going at all the way she had envisioned. She had told Trista she needed some time alone before leaving to Greenbriar. Trista had changed everything. No doubt, some scheme had formulated in her little sister’s devious mind. The stars only knew what Trista had planned once she reached Greenbriar.
    “Believe me when I say that is not what I intended. I only meant to—”
    “You only meant to hide from your fate. You can’t escape it, and now others must face it for you because of your cowardice.”
    He thought so little of her. “I am no coward. Let me explain.”
    “You owe me no explanations. Save them for Noele. Explain to her why she has to be without her husband for a fortnight, and then another contingent will have to take you to Greenbriar after they return.”
    “After? I thought I would be escorted as soon as I came back to the castle.” He towered over her, his long frame casting a dark shadow over her body. “Once again, you thought incorrectly. The journey to Greenbriar is fraught with danger. Garick has taken half the Winterland guard with him. You think we would leave Winterland vulnerable to guide you there now? Nay, you will remain at the castle until Garick’s return. Then you will be taken to Greenbriar.” Roarke was right. She had created a disaster. Worse, he did not believe it was not what she had intended.

    Blaming Trista was convenient, but wrong. In fact, she had only herself to blame. She lowered her lashes, embarrassed at what Roarke must think of her. “I will accompany you back to Winterland with no objection.”
    “’Twouldn’t matter if you objected or not. I can easily sling you over my shoulder and carry you that way if you fight me.”
    She walked along beside him, scurrying to keep up with his quick stride. Everything she had tried

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