Fight for Her

Fight for Her by Kelly Favor Read Free Book Online

Book: Fight for Her by Kelly Favor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kelly Favor
levels. Physically, she wanted to touch him and be touched by him. She wanted to feel his lips on hers. Emotionally, she sensed something in him that needed to be heard and understood—something she felt she could understand, if only he’d let her.
    But she was also afraid of him, of his anger, his judgment. Afraid that he would expose her for the liar she’d become.
    “I told you why I’m here,” she said, trying to stand her ground as he came towards her. “I’m here because I wanted to say I’m sorry.”
    “Fine, you said it.” He stopped a couple of feet away from her, close enough that she could see his chest rising and falling, the veins running up his forearms and over his biceps. “Why are you still here?” he asked.
    “Because,” she said. “I want to continue our interview, Gunner.”
    He shook his head slowly no. “That’s not going to happen.”
    “Give me another chance to prove to you that I can be…”
    “Be what?”
    “Sympathetic. I can listen to your story. I can help—“
    “I don’t need your help,” he said, and his eyes blazed at her, his voice rasped as the intensity of his anger came out. “I never asked for help. I’m not some charity case.”
    “I didn’t mean it that way.”
    He stepped another foot closer to her, and she shrank back slightly. The intensity of his presence was something she couldn’t seem to get used to.
    “How did you mean it, Krista? Why do you always seem to say something and then try and take it back a second later?”
    “You’re confusing me. I’m nervous.”
    “If I make you so nervous then maybe you should just go.”
    “I care about you, Gunner.” As the words came out, she immediately regretted them. Not just because of the look of disbelief on his face, but because it was the truth—
    and it was humiliating.
    “You care about me?” he scoffed. “You don’t even know me. You’re high on the idea of me, of my fame, of what I represent to you. Do you honestly think I haven’t met a million girls just like you, Krista?”
    Something about the derision in his voice and the contempt in his eyes made her run. She couldn’t take it, couldn’t take the hate that she felt coming from him.
    All Krista wanted to do was get away from him.
    She didn’t care about her job, or Drew Ellis, or Las Vegas or any of it. At that moment, all she could do was run.
    She ran to her car and got inside, crying and shaking. The keys were still in the ignition, so it was easy to turn it on and the engine rumbled to life.
    His words were echoing in her ears as she stepped on the gas and started to drive away from the cabin.
    Do you honestly think I haven’t met a million girls just like you, Krista?
    Of course he had, she thought, as her vision blurred, doubling and tripling through her tears. He’d met so many women who wanted something from him, who thought that they had a connection with him, were special in some way.
    She’d been a fool, an idiot, and a liar.
    She was driving too fast, but she just had to get away from this place, try her best to wipe it from her memory. Krista was horrified that she’d become so obsessed with Gunner King that she’d allowed herself to try and turn fantasy into reality—worse, that she’d become confused between the two.
    She drove faster, swerving to avoid a sharp turn in the path and then suddenly smashed headlong into a tree. She heard the crashing of the front headlight as her body was thrown violently forward. Her seatbelt snapped into action, preventing her from going anywhere.
    Luckily, she hadn’t been able to drive fast enough to really hurt herself. She was more shaken up than anything.
    Looking out the front windshield, she saw that the front of the car had been caved in.
    Her head had snapped forward quickly during impact, and she could already feel her left shoulder and neck muscles tightening as the shock began to wear off.
    Krista put the car in reverse and tried to back away from the tree, but

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