Fight For Her (Soldiers in Arms Book 1)

Fight For Her (Soldiers in Arms Book 1) by J.A. Bailey, Phoenix James Read Free Book Online

Book: Fight For Her (Soldiers in Arms Book 1) by J.A. Bailey, Phoenix James Read Free Book Online
Authors: J.A. Bailey, Phoenix James
uncomfortable and he didn’t much like that. “Yes.”
    “Have you seen a doctor yet?”
    “I did, when I first found out.”
    “You should probably go see one. You’ll need scans before long.”
    She rolled away from him. “I can’t really afford it.”
    “Waverly.” He tugged her arm and pulled her toward him. “I’ll take care of it, don’t worry.”
    She met his gaze reluctantly. “I spent all my life relying on a man to look after me. I’m not sure I want to repeat that mistake.”
    “I want to do this. And, sweetheart, you’ve sure as hell looked after me these past few days.” He gave her a suggestive grin.
    She swatted his arm. “So you’re expecting to be able to take me to bed every time you do something nice?”
    He chuckled. “Pretty much.”
    Waverly looped her arms around his neck and giggled. “You’re an arrogant bastard sometimes.”
    “Yes, but I’m your arrogant bastard.”
    For now.
    The unsaid words hung in the air. They both knew this was temporary. Both knew it was all it was ever meant to be. But that didn’t mean he didn’t half worry about what the hell she was going to do in the future with no one around to look out for her and the baby.
    He moved off the bed. “I’m just going to grab a shower. Why don’t you rest a little longer and then I’ll sort breakfast?”
    She nodded, lip tucked under her top teeth.
    Walker stomped into the shower and turned the water onto cold. He needed to calm down in many ways. His throbbing cock told him how much he needed her and the blood pounding through him reminded him how frustrated he was by this awkward standoff they were in.
    They both knew this would end.
    He didn’t want it to.
    The cold water stung his skin and slowly brought him back to reality. His life had been great before he’d met her, and it would be great again. He’d go back to meeting up with a few select women outside of town and enjoying his job and his friends.
    For now, he’d just make the most of every moment he had with her, and damn well make sure she saw a doc.
    He finished showering and slung a towel around his waist. Waverly was up and pulling on those sexy tight jeans and cute lacy shirt that Justice had packed for her. He might regret missing seeing the show but at least he could keep his head straight now that she wasn’t naked.
    Walker forced a grin. “Are you up to eating?”
    She paused. “I think so. The sickness doesn’t seem too bad in the morning. It will be this evening when it takes its revenge.”
    “Hopefully it won’t last too long. My sister was only sick for a few weeks.”
    “I hope so. I really don’t know much about this stuff. I read on the Internet that some women are sick their entire pregnancies. I really hope I’m not.”
    “I hope so too.”
    He pulled a pack of bacon from the fridge and silently thanked Rocco for coming and stocking the cabin. Checking around for the pancake mix, he pulled it out and dug around for a bowl.
    Waverly followed him in the kitchen area and eyed the bowl. “You cook?”
    “A little. I didn’t reach the grand old age of thirty-two without feeding myself occasionally, you know.”
    “Sorry, it’s just what with you being in the Army, I would have thought there wasn’t a need to cook for yourself much.”
    “Mom made sure I knew the basics. She didn’t want me being one of those guys who didn’t know what an oven looked like.”
    “She sounds like an amazing woman.”
    “She is.”
    Waverly came onto tiptoes and kissed his cheek. “She raised a pretty amazing son too. Soldier, chef, bartender…”
    “Don’t forget table wiper and rescuer of pregnant women.”
    “That too.” She gave him a soft smile. “I’m glad I met you, Jake.”
    Walker busied himself getting the pancake mix ready, unsure how to respond. He was glad he’d met her too. She was the most fucking beautiful, courageous woman he’d ever met and sweet and kind to boot. But at the same time, he had a feeling

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