Finding The Way Back To Love (Lakeside Porches 3)
a kiss on his cheek. “Soon.”

Chapter 3
    Who knew an old canoe was the key to a woman’s heart? Peter shook his head with a grin as he swung his Jeep into the parking lot of his apartment building. At the moment, home was a one-bedroom dungeon a block from Tompkins College.
    As he exited the Jeep, he heard music blare from a neighbor’s living room. His shoulders tightened. “Shaughnessy,” he told himself, “that’s what your noise-canceling headphones are made for.”
    He really needed to get out of this pit, and he wished the letter would arrive from his attorney with the final accounting from the divorce. When he had come home this morning for a quick shower and picked up his mail, he had been so focused on breakfast with Gwen and Haley that he hadn’t even sorted through the pile.
    Now he tossed his keys in the basket by the front door, set the wrapped-up breakfast from Gwen’s in the microwave for a minute, and poured himself a glass of milk. The mail still waited for him where he’d dropped it on the counter. He poked at the pile and saw his attorney’s return address peek out at him.
    Ripping open the envelope, he found two pages, neatly folded—a terse letter confirming this was the final bill and a one-page accounting of services, with balance due. No check thanking him for overpayment, but he knew all along that was a dream. He inspected the figures from top to bottom. The amount due was eight thousand more than he’d hoped.
    With a heavy sigh, he set the pages aside and took the warmed-up breakfast out of the microwave. As he unwrapped the meal, memories wafted up from the home fries and the cheese and veggie omelet. Haley’s expressive face. Gwen’s take-charge presence in her own kitchen. The ever-changing cadence of their laughter. Haley licking peanut butter from her fingers. The meticulous way Gwen worked from one end of her omelet to the other, always taking a mouthful of something else between each bite of eggs.
    They’ll be safe now, with the new lock .
    He smiled at the thought, a little surprised by it. He liked taking care of his women. Until now that had meant his traitorous wife Cynthia, his mother—may she rest in peace—and his mixed-up sister, Bree. He’d known Gwen and Haley less than a day, but they felt like family somehow.
    He drained the glass of milk, washed and dried it, and put it away. To his surprise, the impossible dream of owning a house faded quickly and painlessly. The real significance of the final bill from his attorney was that, as soon as he paid it, he’d be free.
    Tears welled up and he blinked them away. Free to start over . Find a decent place to live. Settle into his new city, Tompkins Falls. Explore whatever this was between him and Gwen Forrester.
    Thank God Gwen was a good sport about the grit and bugs in her face. Besides getting the canoe on the water, he needed to get her out on a proper date, someplace special. How could he get her away from Haley long enough, and where could he take her on his salary? It had to be special, fit for a classy lady like Gwen. Ralphs, his favorite burger joint, would not cut it.
    The calendar on the refrigerator caught his eye, and he noticed the star in the square for Sunday. Tomorrow. That fancy dinner-dance for the outgoing chief at the Manse. Classy? Definitely. He had accepted the invitation a month ago and, without thinking, said he’d bring a guest.
    He reached for his phone, but a wave of fatigue stopped him. First sleep. Then invite Gwen. Then write the last payment to the attorney, put out feelers for an apartment, get supper, and go to work.
    “I called Rick,” Haley announced as she came down the stairs.
    “I’m proud of you.” Gwen poured glasses of iced tea and carried them to the island. “Can he come to Tompkins Falls?” At Haley’s nod, she asked, “When will he get here, sweetie?”
    “Suppertime tomorrow.” Haley’s knuckles were white as she gripped the edge of the island. “You’re

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