Fire and Desire (Arabesque)

Fire and Desire (Arabesque) by Brenda Jackson Read Free Book Online

Book: Fire and Desire (Arabesque) by Brenda Jackson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brenda Jackson
you, it will be my name you’ll moan from your lips. No one else’s.”
    Corinthians’s anger reached full height and she saw red with a vengeance. Without saying a word she turned, opened her door and closed it behind her, slamming it shut in Trevor Grant’s face.

Chapter 5
    C orinthians couldn’t stop pacing the floor in her hotel room. Trevor Grant had her boiling. It only took a few moments to realize her reaction was just what he’d probably hoped for. The man enjoyed rattling her, and again he had succeeded.
    And to think she had actually let him kiss her. She had let him put his hands on her and touch her. “I didn’t even like it when he—”
    The lie she was about to tell died in her throat. Although it galled her to admit it, the truth of the matter was that she had enjoyed kissing him. She ground her teeth, annoyed with herself.
    Trevor Grant had been a thorn in her side since the time they had met. She wasn’t supposed to enjoy doing anything with him, least of all kissing him. And she definitely wasn’t supposed to have enjoyed his company in São Paulo. She had unintentionally let her guard down and look where it had gotten her.
    She began pacing again. The nerve of him saying the two of them would be sleeping together like it was a foregone conclusion! The same cockiness that had convinced him he was one of the few good men the Marines had been looking for had evidently warped his brain. He would be the last man she slept with. The very idea made her…ache with desire and tremble with need. And to make matters worse, he thought she was still carrying a torch for Dex, which was hilarious.
    With a hopeless groan, Corinthians dropped down on the love seat and covered her eyes with her arms. Little did he know, it wasn’t thoughts of Dex that were confusing her emotions to the point of not making sense. It wasn’t thoughts of Dex that filled her with sexual tension whenever Trevor was near. It wasn’t thoughts of Dex that stirred a desire in her so strong that she felt the need to protect herself by keeping a constant feud going between them. And it certainly hadn’t been thoughts of Dex that had made her behave the way she had less than an hour ago outside her hotel room door.
    People who knew her would never have believed she’d acted that way. The Corinthians Avery they knew was temperate, rational, calm, polished and proper. But around Trevor, she was temperamental, explosive, irrational, volatile and passionate.
    Corinthians felt her cheeks go warm at the thought. She took a deep, calming breath and tried to think through the situation in a logical way. But she couldn’t. All she wanted to think about was Trevor in an illogical way. The taste of him, hot and spicy, was still on her tongue. The feel of his hands was still stamped on her body. And his scent, a male cologne that smelled husky and robust, still had parts of her body heated.
    She momentarily closed her eyes remembering how easily her mouth had molded to his, how snugly her body had fit against his and…
    Corinthians stiffened when she heard the sound of the shower going next door in Trevor’s room. She nearly moaned at the thought that the walls were paper-thin, and there was a possibility he’d heard her pacing earlier. She felt flustered. How could one man make her come so unglued? How could one man make her so vividly aware of him?
    She laid her head back against the seat, remembering the last time they’d had connecting rooms. It would be a night she would never forget because seeing him always made her remember. And to think she had actually passed out at his feet.
    Her mind flashed back to that night…
    “What happened?”
    “You fainted.”
    Corinthians looked up at the man towering over her. He was still dressed in that darn towel. It took only a few seconds to realize she’d been placed on his bed. She made a move to get up.
    “Lie still.”
    Ignoring his command, she sat up. This evening had

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