Fire Prophet (Son of Angels)

Fire Prophet (Son of Angels) by Jerel Law Read Free Book Online

Book: Fire Prophet (Son of Angels) by Jerel Law Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jerel Law
Tags: Ebook
Elohim , and comfort multiple times.
    “Jonah. What are you—?” Eliza popped into the room besideJonah, causing him to jump and blink. She saw the nuns and whispered, “Sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt.”
    One of the nuns picked her head up, saw Jonah and Eliza standing in the doorway, and quietly stood, leaving the others. She immediately smiled at them, putting Jonah at ease. Her dark skin radiated a glow, and her eyes were full of love.
    “Hello, children,” she said. “We’ve been expecting you.”
    She led them back out into the foyer, where she greeted Benjamin, Eleanor, and Jeremiah as warmly as she had Jonah and Eliza. Apparently Marcus and Taryn hadn’t stuck around. Jonah figured they’d gone to catch up with their friends on the roof, or more likely, discuss their strategy and get the latest developments on the attacks.
    “It’s so nice to meet you all. My name is Sister Patricia. We will do our very best to keep your children safe and sound while you continue your own journey.” Turning to Jonah, Eliza, and Jeremiah, she continued, “I’m afraid you won’t find our accommodations similar to what you are probably used to. But we do have cozy rooms for you. You’ll be bunking with the others, of course.”
    “What others are you talking about?” asked Jonah, feeling confused.
    Sister Patricia gave him a blank look. “The others—the other children. The other ones like you, of course.” They continued to stare at her. “No one told you?” She studied the floor, hands on her hips, and sighed loudly. “Well, they really should have filled you in. It’s my understanding that you—Benjamin and Eleanor— were merely dropping your children off. It is not safe for the five of you to be together.”
    Eleanor put her hand over her mouth. Benjamin put a hand on her shoulder in comfort.
    “So . . . you guys aren’t staying?” As soon as Jeremiah asked the question, Eleanor stifled a sob.
    “It’ll only be for a little while,” whispered Benjamin to his three kids. “If the angels want to keep the nephilim and the quarterlings separate until they get this situation under control, we should trust them. Everything will be all right. I promise.”
    But something in his father’s voice bothered Jonah. He was trying to put a good spin on it, but Jonah had the unsettling feeling that his dad was trying to promise them something that he couldn’t be sure of.
    Two stone-faced warrior angels approached them in the hallway. They stood silently behind Benjamin and Eleanor.
    Benjamin turned and his eyes grew wide. Jonah knew these angels were allowing him to see them now.
    “I guess this means it’s time for us to go,” he said softly. The angels said nothing, but nodded, an urgency on their faces for all to see.
    Sister Patricia spoke. “Take a minute and say good-bye to your parents, children.”
    The five members of the Stone family gathered together in the hall. Benjamin and Eleanor gave multiple hugs to their kids, and Eleanor didn’t try to stop the tears now.
    “We’ll see you soon,” she said, wiping them away. “You’re safe here, remember? This is . . . the best thing for all of us right now.”
    Benjamin held her hand in his. “It’s time, Eleanor.”
    She quickly kissed her children once more.
    “Okay, Mom, okay,” Jonah said, but he hugged her again tightly around her neck, giving her a quick peck on the cheek too.
    Benjamin and Eleanor walked down the hallway, under guard of the angels.
    Jonah, Eliza, and a sniffling Jeremiah watched them leave until Sister Patricia shut the heavy wooden door, and the sound of the ancient metal latch was a jarring reminder that their parents were gone.

    S econd-floor accommodations are for the sisters of the convent,” Sister Patricia said as she led them up the stairwell after dinner, past the door with a large “2” painted on its surface. “Floor three will be for the girls, and floor four will be for the boys,”

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