With a few smooth moves, he brushed out his hair, tied it in a thick tail that reduced the visibility of his ears and he was ready.
“Shit. My hair.” She headed for the bathroom and found a brush, pulling it through the thick stuff until she had a mane of heavy silver waves that ran from her scalp to just under her breasts.
When she came out, he smiled. “You look amazing.”
“Good. Feed me.”
He walked up to her in his finery and wrapped her in his arms. “Hold on.”
Chapter Seven
Being out for dinner with a fey while appearing to be fey herself was a new experience. They were seated at the small restaurant immediately, but instead of a private table, they were placed centrally so everyone could watch them.
Marina was a little self-conscious as she was fawned over and the human server stared at her ears.
Irdan smiled at her when the server was gone. “You will have to get used to it. You aren’t the same woman that you used to be.”
“I still feel like me.”
“You still are, inside. I am fairly sure that you acknowledge that your exterior has experienced a massive overhaul.”
“Do you think this will help or hinder my fundraising when I resume it?”
He grinned. “Well, if we get to the point of courtship where we are wedded, you will receive half of everything I own, and that will be enough to support your efforts for a few centuries.”
She made a face. “We still have to do that?”
“Yes. It has been suggested that it will make the eventual acceptance of the balanced shifters easier if they can be seen to be courted by the fey. We have a larger public stance than you do. You have to be accepted as companions to your mates before you can be wives or husbands.”
“And it has to be done in public?”
“It does. The first few popped up without any buildup, and it was a little peculiar for their communities. You have a presence in this community, so they need a chance to get used to your new face. Only you and I and those closest to us know that you have changed. Everyone else will just believe you were hidden in plain sight.”
A cutting board with bread, a knife and a bowl of whipped butterballs was brought to them. Marina didn’t waste time; she attacked.
It was a nice Italian restaurant that Marina had wanted to visit, but she never had the occasion to go. It wasn’t the kind of place you could go on your own. It called out for friends or, at least, a designated driver.
They ordered, and she ate while being stared at and whispered about in tones that should have been quieter.
“You are handling it well, Marina.” Irdan sat back with his wine.
“Thank you. I wanted to start flicking my food at some of the gossips, but I decided that it wouldn’t be appropriate.”
She made a face and sat with her wine, sipping at it and really looking at Irdan. His hair was charming and the same colour as his gator. His eyes flicked from green-brown to the golden-red animal gaze that she was getting used to.
“What are we doing next?”
“Well, there is a fundraiser going on right now for wetlands protection. I have promised my mother that I would attend.”
She made a face. “Fine.”
“I will take that as enthusiasm. My car is waiting outside, so we can be on our way.” He pulled out a billfold and set the cash on the table. He rose to his feet and held his hand out to her.
She slid her hand into his and frowned. “How did it get here?”
He smiled and helped her to her feet. He tucked her hand around his arm and led her out of the restaurant with several people actually pausing with their forks in front of their mouths to watch them pass.
She smiled when she saw the car and their driver. “Hello again, Maweel.”
He stared at her as Irdan tucked her into the rear passenger seat before closing the door and taking the front passenger seat.
Maweel had turned in his seat, and he was staring. “That is... quite the change.”
She smiled. “I am going to have to