For Real (Rules of Love, Book One)

For Real (Rules of Love, Book One) by Chelsea M. Cameron Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: For Real (Rules of Love, Book One) by Chelsea M. Cameron Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chelsea M. Cameron
Tags: Romance, new adult
those lips would feel like on my lips.
    “It’s awesome, really.” I’m unable to find any other words to say about it.
    “Thanks.” It can’t be my imagination that his eyes flick to my lips and then back up to my eyes. I should stop leaning, but my body doesn’t want to. Jett’s face gets really serious and I can’t stop staring him.
    And then someone slams a book shut at a nearby table and I jump like I’ve been caught doing something bad.
    “I should, um, probably get back to work,” I say and stumble back to my seat and sit down with a clunk.
    Jett’s eyes go back to his computer and mine go back to my textbook.


    It takes me two hours to read two pages. Two. Pages. Well, I skimmed more, but I don’t remember any of it. I take notes on things that look important, but I might as well be writing a stream of consciousness. I’m too busy studying the way he types so fast on the keyboard and the way his head turns to the side when he’s thinking about something and how his eyes squint just a little when he reads. Our feet keep touching under the table and we keep apologizing to each other, but it keeps happening. I swear, it’s not my fault.
    Jett closes his computer and stretches his arms up, his shoulders popping.
    “Do you want to take a break and get something to eat?” he says.
    “Yeah, sure.” I’m still really full from my breakfast, but there’s no point in continuing to try to read because nothing is getting into my brain. I kind of regret letting him to sit down with me. But I can’t blame him for my lack of being able to focus when he’s around.
    We walk down to the café and Jett orders a coffee and a bagel.
    “What do you want?” Is he going to order for me and pay? This cannot stand.
    “Oh, you don’t have to do that. I have money,” I say as the bored-looking barista waits for me to order. She’s also chewing gum and popping it. Yuck. Isn’t that against the rules to chew gum in a place that makes food?
    “I’m sure you do have money, but I’ve got this. What do you want?” Jett’s sweet smile is my undoing. I order a piece of banana bread and a pumpkin chai.
    “Thank you. Now I do owe you,” I say.
    “No, you don’t. This is me paying you back for the help with Javi.” Oh, right. I’d nearly forgotten about him. We move to the side to wait for our drinks.
    “How is he?”
    “Recovered. That bastard can drink like a fish and be fine the next day. I have two beers and I’m wrecked for the entire weekend.”
    “Yeah, I know what you mean.” The bored girl doesn’t even call out our orders, just pushes them across the counter at us.
    “Did everything that you were running from last night turn out okay?” he asks.
    “More or less.” I’ve gotten several apology texts from all my other friends. After dealing with Hazel, I kind of just want to be done with it.
    We take our drinks and treats and sit down at the only available table. The café is packed, even for a Saturday, and I realize it must be for some sort of sporting event. Sometimes I think that I should be more involved in things like that, but then I remember how my butt feels after sitting on metal bleachers for two hours.
    “Sorry about the nachos,” I say.
    “Oh, it’s not a big deal. Javi ate the entire pan of them in the middle of the night. Or at least I hope he did. I found the pan empty in the morning and unless we have nacho-eating ghosts . . .”
    That sounds terrifying.
    “Well, hello there,” a voice I know very well says behind me. I turn and glare at Hazel so Jett can’t see.
    Before I can ask what the hell she’s doing here, she speaks.
    “I needed a pick-me-up before my study session.” She frequently has study sessions with gigantic books filled with itty-bitty print. She’s going to be blind by the time she is thirty, I swear.
    “Oh, um, Hazel, this is Jett.” Jett looks from me to Hazel and back. I hadn’t really told him that we’d made up, but he

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