FORBIDDEN TALENTS by Frankie Robertson Read Free Book Online

Book: FORBIDDEN TALENTS by Frankie Robertson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Frankie Robertson
Talent for it. He made everything he did look smooth and effortless, even as his footwork drew a shout of approval from the other dancers. She loved watching him move. She loved—him.
    What was she going to do? Her own vision had warned her of loss. Thora’s reading of the stones had promised opportunity, but they’d also warned her to act quickly when the time came. To do what ?
    She was staring again. Saeun pulled her gaze back to the women she sat with.
    “ … through the night, but the flames offer no protection. ” Nai’awika said.
    “ And your warriors cannot stop them? ” Lady Ingirid, on Lady Celia’s right, asked.
    “ Like the wind, the katsinas move unseen, except for their effect. Few can see into the spirit world to challenge them, and the shamans counsel against it. ”
    “ What do your shamans recommend? ” Gudrun asked softly.
    “ They do not speak with one voice. Some call for a cleansing. It is because the ways of Tiowa have been abandoned, they say, that this sorrow has fallen upon us. ” Nai’awika looked steadily at Gudrun.
    Gudrun shook her head slightly. “ I doubt any lack of faith has brought this on you. ”
    “ So I think also. Our kopavi are open. Yet the spirits walk among us. It is a great honor, yet great sorrow comes from it. ”
    Saeun clenched her hand in her skirts, then forced herself to relax. Her mind buzzed with questions. What has this got to do with us ? Why did they come so far to tell us this ? What kind of magic do the Tewakwe have to protect them ? She thought of her own magic. Magic that the priests did not know of. Magic they would exile her for using. Do the Tewa women also have magic that their shamans know nothing about ?
    “ But what can you do if you are already open to Tiowa’s voice? What cleansing do the shamans expect of you? ” Lady Celia asked.
    “ It is not only we who must be cleansed, Newborn; it is all of you, as well. ”
    “ Us? ” Ingirid asked. “ We’ve done nothing— ”
    “ What sort of cleansing do they require? ” Gudrun interrupted her oldest daughter.
    “ That, they have not decided, ” Nai’awika answered.

    “ SAEUN! ”
    Saeun froze for a moment at the sound of Ragni’s voice. What could she say if he questioned her fears again? She had no better answer than she had yesterday, despite lying awake most of the night. She turned to greet him and froze a second time.
    Lord Dahleven was with him. She had rarely seen him in the last five months, and then only at a distance. They hadn’t spoken since he’d come to her rooms to thank her for her help in rescuing Lady Celia. His gratitude had been sincere enough, though he’d almost balked at using her unsanctioned magic to do it. She swallowed her fear. His risk was nearly as great as hers if the truth came out. And though he’d made no promise to her, he’d kept their secret. So far.
    In a way, she was relieved to see him. At least his presence would keep Ragni’s conversation off awkward topics. Though they hadn’t gone to any great measure to be secret, they’d been more discreet than most lovers to keep gossip at a minimum. Especially family gossip.
    Saeun curtsied. “ Welcome back, Lord Dahleven. Good morning, Father Ragnar. ”
    Ragni’s grin split his light brown beard as he stepped close and ran his hand lightly down her arm to her elbow. “ Such formality! How does the morning find you, Saeun? ”
    Her hope of an impersonal encounter faded like mist in sunlight. He might as well have kissed me . Saeun blushed at Ragni’s familiar touch but didn’t pull away. If the family had ever doubted their relationship before, they wouldn’t now. She glanced at Lord Dahleven. His expression was politely neutral, but she thought she saw dismay in his ever so slightly widened eyes. He won’t rejoice for us. Not knowing what he does about me .
    Ragni’s hand remained on her arm. “ Have you breakfasted yet? ” he asked. “ Will you join us?

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