Forbidden To Love (The Erosians)

Forbidden To Love (The Erosians) by D Wills Read Free Book Online

Book: Forbidden To Love (The Erosians) by D Wills Read Free Book Online
Authors: D Wills
daughter, Aphrodite wouldn’t give permission for the death of her son. Zeus instead had Prometheus create Allana in the hope she would pacify Eros’ anger. Theoretically the plan was plausible. Allana is beautiful and is an exact copy of Pscyhe, the love Eros gave up. She even loved Eros in the same unconditional way Psyche did.
    But Eros wouldn ’t settle for a fake, and he hated Allana from the second he saw her. Zeus urged Eros to try with Allana, to give love a chance to develop. Reluctantly he did, but only because Zeus promised he would give him his true love in return. Allana and Eros spent years roaming the earth together starting romances, and they became close, brother and sister close.
    I'm told Eros came to Zeus one night unable to stand being apart from Psyche any longer and begged Zeus to give her to him. Their reunion was never to be; Eros had joined Psyche to her husband all those years ago under the instruction of his mother and their bond was only breakable through death. Zeus couldn ’t justify killing one of his subjects for the selfish reasons of a God, especially when the God requesting the murder was the one to blame.
    Instead he had Prometheus create Amora; the most breathtaking creature since Helen of Troy, in the hope Eros, would be so astounded by her beauty he would fall instantly in love with her. Amora ’s unimaginable attractiveness didn't work either. Luckily for me, or I wouldn’t exist.
    Amora didn't take the rejection quite as well as Allana. She became bitter and resentful, and threw herself at any male, mortal or otherwise, who would take her and she also hates me because I was made because she failed. I am a constant reminder not every man finds her irresistible.
    “Hey when did you sneak in?” I'm so involved in my history I didn't hear Allana coming in.
    “ I don’t know. What time is it?” Allana jumps onto the stool next to me. She’s got her businesswoman attire on, the cream wrap around shirt and dark brown trousers. With her jet black hair cut short into a crop, she should appear harsh and severe, but her thick eyelashes flutter like butterflies presenting her true kindness and grace. I guess she’s like a nice aunt who you can pour your heart out to.
    “ Just after four, you ok?” she stares at me with a probing expression as if she can see something I'm desperately trying to mask, which I am because I don’t know how to tell her about what’s happened.
    “ I'm fine. I’ve only be home half an hour. Where you been?” I ask to try desperately to divert attention from me.
    “ Coffee House,” she announces proudly. “I always enjoy hooking up people in coffee shops. I love the glances across the room, the 'Will he come to me, should I go to him?' dilemma. Watching them helps kill the time. Now stop trying to change the subject - what’s wrong?”
    I should have known there would be no chance of keeping my dilemma hidden from Allana. Now Amora, she ’s so self-obsessed she wouldn’t pay attention even if I’d suddenly sprouted another head, unless it had a prettier face than hers.
    Allana is still staring at me. I know I can do this the long dragged-out way where I come to her in a few hours and confess all, or I can come clean now.
    “I think I told someone what we are.” I force the words from my lips and instantly wish I could ram them all back in. Sitting sheepishly I wait for her reproach, not that I’ve ever witnessed Allana mad, but if I remember correctly from training,  one thing she told me never to do was to reveal what we are. She warned me that if I gave away our secret, then I’d be brought before the Board of the Fates - or worse the wrath of the Furies! If I’m ever going to see Allana mad now’s the time.
    Allana stays quiet. She looks at me patiently, waiting for me to continue with the story. I match her silence, not sure which bit to tell her first. She raises her eyebrows telling me to start.
    “Well … I saw this guy …, and I

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