titanium do to us?"
                He met my eyes, seeming to contemplate his answer. "Just a slight touch of the titanium to our flesh and it results in a severe burn. It fairly melts our skin. When pierced through our heart, it effectively ends us. It's one of the few means of destroying a vampire."
                I shuddered as I thought about how close Brad had been to me with the titanium dagger the other night at the park. Had he known how lethal it was to me? No wonder Alex had freaked when he saw Brad holding it so close to where I was standing.
                I was hit with an overwhelming feeling of sadness that my relationship with Brad had disintegrated to the point it had. I'd hoped to continue to be friends after our split, but while he still seemed to struggle with his feelings for me, he had become blinded by his hatred for my kind. So much so that he had put me in danger that night by just having the titanium around me. The old Brad wouldn't have taken the chance.
                I didn't realize I was lost in thought until I heard Alex's voice ease into my mind. He will never put you in danger again. I won't allow it. You are the most important thing to me. Anyone that thinks to harm a hair on your head will pay... and pay dearly.

                I looked up to see the fire in Alex's eyes. They were fairly red with anger at the memory of that night. I almost felt sorry for Brad, in a way. To be so hated by someone with as much passion, determination and power as Alex, could not be good.

                Several days passed where I breathed a figurative sigh of relief. There had been no more talk of attacks and Kyle had reported a relative calm at The Crimson Tide. Word had gotten out about the recent slaying there and while business had not been affected, Anna said she sensed a watchfulness coming from the vampire patrons towards human guests. I had spent the rest of the week staying at home, settling in, and enjoying the peaceful calm of the estate. Alex had even taken a day off and we'd passed most of that day in our room, not getting dressed or leaving its confines except to grab a bag of blood from the freezer. We seemed not to be able to get enough of each other, and as much as I wanted to bask in the joy of the life we were living now, a part of me was worried. In my human life, if everything seemed calm, it wasn't long before some type of calamity hit. When I mentioned my worry to Alex, he assured me that we would face anything that came up together and not to stress about things that may or may not happen. But with the Regency looming as a constant threat and the recent slayings in the area by the Coalition, it was hard to shake the feeling that I needed to look over my shoulder constantly.
                With the return of things to relative normal, we were taking advantage of every opportunity we had to spend time together. There was so much that we didn’t know about each other and still so many everyday things that we’d never gotten a chance to experience because of the whirlwind that had been our life since day one of meeting.
                It actually felt kind of strange to be sitting on the other end of the couch from Alex, my toes digging into the plush black velvet. It was dark in our living room, the only light coming from the widescreen tv hanging on the wall across from us. I think this was one of the first times Alex and I had actually had a chance to sit down and watch television together. Between kidnappings and Alex running a worldwide company, we just really hadn't had the opportunity to squeeze it in. And, honestly, I hadn't been paying much attention to the movie at all. I was studying Alex's profile out of the corner of my eye. I took my time admiring the chiseled cut of his face, the way his dark wavy hair fell across his forehead, the strong line of his jaw and the thick, dark lashes most girls

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