Forest Whispers
inside of her. She gasped, arching up to meet him as he withdrew
and thrust again.
    A shudder went through him as he sank to the
root of his cock inside of her. He went still, gathering himself,
struggling for control. Impatient, Lana clenched and unclenched her
vaginal muscles around him, squeezing his cock in a milking motion
that drew a hoarse groan from him.
    He ground his teeth as he pulled slowly out
and thrust again, shaking with the effort to pace himself. When he
was buried deep inside of her again, she lifted her legs, locking
them around his waist and thrusting up to meet him, fisting the
muscles of the walls of her sex around him tightly again.
    It pushed him beyond his limits. Shaking, he
released her hands at last and shoved his hands beneath her hips,
thrusting and retreating in an aggressive rhythm that drew hoarse
cries of satisfaction from her as his movements jolted her over the
edge and into an explosive release. Her convulsing muscles dragged
him over the edge with her.
    With obvious effort, he held his weight off
her with his arms, his head drooping forward on his shoulders next
to hers. Moments passed, finally he lifted slightly away from her.
Catching her jaw in his hand, he forced her to look up at him. “I
only meant to savor the pleasure a little longer. It was not as you
    Lana studied him through heavy lidded eyes,
uncertain of whether she believed him or not. At the moment, she
didn’t particularly care one way or the other, however. She felt
supremely satisfied, completely devoid of energy, and so drowsy all
she really wanted to do was sleep. “The bed’s not big enough for
two,” she murmured irritably.
    He sighed, settling beside her on his side
and staring down at her. After a moment, however, he seemed to come
to a decision. Scooping an arm beneath her head, he dragged her
halfway across his chest and held her there until oblivion reached
up and snatched consciousness away from her.
    The darkness of night had only begun to lift
when Lana woke. Yawning, she stretched—and rolled off the narrow
bed. The jolt of slamming into the floor brought her wide awake.
When she managed to turn over and look up, Corin was peering down
at her over the edge of the bed, a mixture of wariness and firmly
tamped amusement gleaming in his eyes.
    She glared at him. “I told you the damn bed
wasn’t big enough for two.”
    His amusement vanished. “You are an ill
tempered female most of the time. In the morning, you are
    “ I feel better when I’ve slept,” she
pointed out irritably.
    “ You slept like the dead,” he retorted.
    Lana studied him for several moments,
thinking it over, and realized with a touch of surprise that he was
right. The last thing she remembered was being irritated because he
was hell bent and determined to snuggle after they’d had sex. After
that—nothing. She frowned thoughtfully, trying to remember the last
time she’d slept straight through the night without rousing even
once. “You’re right,” she said slowly. “That’s—odd. Must have been
all that unaccustomed exercise.”
    Shrugging, she got to her feet, gathered her
pack, and went out to perform her morning ritual, bathing off
quickly again because she felt sticky from the late evening bump
ugly mamba.
    Her hair was a catastrophe. She hadn’t
gotten around to combing it after they’d had that last bout of sex
and had gone to sleep with it wet. It took her nearly thirty
minutes to rake the tangles out of it. Taming it was an
impossibility at this point. Finally, she wet it down and combed it
    When she’d dried off, she dressed in the
last uniform she’d packed and pulled her thigh high boots on. She
was either going to have to spare the time to clean her clothes, go
back for more, or start wearing the not-so-clean outfits she’d
brought with her. None of the possibilities particularly appealed
to her, however.
    To her surprise, when she returned to the
cabin, Corin was

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