Forever and Always

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Book: Forever and Always by Beverley Hollowed Read Free Book Online
Authors: Beverley Hollowed
was wearing dark jeans and a crisp white t-shirt. His hair was still a little damp from the shower and he looked even more gorgeous then Melanie had remembered.
    “Hey” Melanie replied shifting uncertainly on from one foot to the other, her fingers knotted together at her waist.
    Maggie watched him closely. He was really good looking but she was a little worried that he might be a little too old for Melanie.
    “So um...exactly how old are you Sam?” Maggie asked suddenly sounding all mother hen.  Melanie shot her a look of complete disbelief. She could have murdered her. Sam’s face turned bright red.
    “Maggie” Melanie snapped, a nervous giggle escaping from her.
    “I am 21” Sam said quickly. “I will be 22 in December. I know I look older, everyone tells me that”.
    “You know Melanie is only 17” Maggie replied.
    “Maggie” Melanie said again, this time she was angry. “I am almost 18. Beside that is none of your business”.
    “Sorry sweetie” Maggie said giving Melanie a sympathetic look. “But I promised your Mom and Dad I would look after you. So I had to ask”.
    “Could this be any more embarrassing” Melanie replied mortified. She grabbed her bag and headed for the door. “I will see you later”. Sam smiled nervously at Maggie and followed Melanie out the door.
    He took her hand and led her down the side passage of the beach house to where his car was parked in front of his parent beach house. He held the car door opened and waited for Melanie to climb inside. The car was amazing. It was a pearl black Porsche Boxster with cream interior. It was gorgeous.
    “I am sorry about that” Melanie says as Sam slid into the car next to her. “Maggie is great but tact is something she lacks”.
    “ It’s fine” he replied with his usual dazzling smile. “You look beautiful, by the way”.
    Melanie could feel her face heat with embarrassment. No one had ever said anything like that to her before.
    He started the engine and slowly reversed the car out of the parking space. Then he accelerated forward so fast Melanie was shot backwards into her seat. As they drove with the top down, her hair was blown everywhere and she wished to herself she had tied her hair back.
    Ten minutes later they pull up into a parking space in the centre of town and Sam switched off the engine. Melanie tried desperately to smooth down her hair with her fingers.
    “Don’t worry Me lanie” he reached over and took her hand, lifting it to his lips he kissed it softly on the back. “You still look beautiful”. Melanie’s heart nearly stopped.
    He climbed out of the car and hurried around Melanie’s side to open her door. Melanie stepped out and Sam immediately reached for her hand. They walked down through the town and he pointed out all the best shops and restaurant s . He insisted on buying her a beautiful cream coloured chiffon scarf for her to wrap around her hair while they were in his car.
    She felt totally comfortable with him. He was funny and charming and so much fun to be with. Melanie never wanted the day to end.
    At lunch time he brought her into his favourite little Italian restaurant. The girl behind the counter greeted Sam warmly when they walked in. Then she shot Melanie a questioning look.
    “Rachel, this is Melanie O’Leary” he said answering the girl’s unasked question. “Melanie this is Rachel Brooks. Rachel and I spent nearly every summer together when we were kids. There were a whole gang of us who used to hang out every day. Don’t see much of them anymore though”.
    “That’s true” Rachel said with a sad smile. “It must be three summers since now you were last down here. Not since the summer before your senior year.  Suddenly you just stopped coming around. Heard you had something more important keeping you busy”.
    “Yeah well things change Rach” Sam replied shortly, suddenly looking a little uncomfortable with the conversation. Melanie’s looked at Rachel who smiled

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