Forget Me Not (The Heart's Spring)

Forget Me Not (The Heart's Spring) by Amber Stokes Read Free Book Online

Book: Forget Me Not (The Heart's Spring) by Amber Stokes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amber Stokes
sense it as soon as the train pulled into Virginia City. The clang of machinery, remnants of the mining equipment still being put to use, hardly covered the sounds of trouble roaming the streets: angry shouts, saloon music, and pounding hoofbeats. Even years after its heyday, Virginia City appeared to be full of life…and danger. Apparently, not everyone had given up hope that there was still silver yet to be discovered in the hills surrounding the town.
    “Here, let me give you a hand.”
    Turning swiftly, David saw another young man, with blond hair, blond beard, and tan skin, offering his hand to help Elizabeth down the steps of the train.
    “Thank you.” Elizabeth’s smile to this complete stranger made David’s blood boil hotter than what he had heard of the air at the bottom of the mines.
    “The name’s Joseph, ma’am. But you can just call me Joe.”
    Enough was enough. Who did this man think he was? Stepping down right after Elizabeth, David went to stand beside her, gripping her elbow firmly. “And why would the lady need to know your name?”
    Joe gave David a curious glance, but no malice filled his light brown eyes. In fact, David detected a glimmer of humor in them.
    “Can’t say as I blame you for askin’. If the lady was just any lovely lady stepping off the V&T, I would simply help her down and tip my hat. But I was just walkin’ past when I saw you both…and I just noticed somethin’ familiar about her.”
    David doubted that. More like Joe was walking past when he was struck by the sweet face of his innocent Elizabeth.
    Joe turned to Elizabeth. “Have you ever been to Nevada before?” His grin was a mile wide, and David felt a growl rising in his throat. Why did he ever go along with Elizabeth’s foolish scheme? He should have kept her far away from places like this, where men like this preyed upon gullible ladies.
    Elizabeth’s smile hadn’t dimmed. “No, I’ve never been out this way before. My brother has, though. His name is Jacob Lawson.”
    Joe stepped back in apparent surprise, his mouth opened slightly and the hat he had swept from his head earlier crushed against his heart. “Jacob Lawson?”
    Elizabeth nodded, eagerness causing her to bounce a little on her toes. “You know him?”
    If Joe’s smile grew any bigger, it would reach his ears. “I work for him! He owns the general store on C Street. He never spoke of a sister, though.”
    Elizabeth’s expression fell a little. “That’s because he never knew of me. I was born after he left home.”
    “I see.” Joe offered Elizabeth a wink, and then—finally—glanced at David. “I’ll be happy to take the young lady to Annabelle. That’s Jacob’s wife,” he added for clarification.
    David’s face burned, most likely redder than a freshly painted stagecoach, by the feel of it. Can Elizabeth truly be falling for this? A glimpse at the joy lighting her gaze answered that question.
    Before he could give a response to the no-good woman-stealer, Elizabeth declared, “I’d love to go meet my brother’s wife, but I’d prefer that David come with us.” She blushed, but continued, “David made sure I arrived here safely. I’m sure my brother would consider him an honored guest.”
    David stood taller as he stared hard at Joe. Perhaps the man would hear what Elizabeth wasn’t saying: the two of them were inseparable. And no friend of her brother, no matter how friendly he seemed, was going to swoop in and change that. If Joe was even telling the truth, which was very unlikely.
    Joe simply maintained his smile and said, “Of course.”
    A whistle and a rush of air caused David to turn in time to watch the train roll through a tunnel on its way to the rail yard. When he spun back around and caught Joe staring unabashedly at Elizabeth, he couldn’t help but wonder if his own life was headed for a dark, consuming hole.
    Elizabeth was intrigued by the sights and sounds of her brother’s town, glancing all around as

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