"She has to expect a security detail," Lara said. "Four is actually small." She sighed. "I suppose your brain will go to mush if you call her to see how she feels about this."
"I think I could talk to her," I said.
Lara turned back to Elisabeth. "What do you think?"
"There's risk," she said. "I don't want to bring the kids. Michaela is right about that. Lara, the big question is this: do you really want to start getting involved in the politics at this level?"
Lara huffed. "No, but I think I have to. I'd rather start now on our terms than wait until we're forced to in another year or two."
"Then this is the way to start," Elisabeth said. "Serena, Karen, Portia. What are your concerns?"
"Four enforcers aren't sufficient," Portia said immediately. "I'm not sure I'd want to step into a vampire lair at all, but certainly not with only four enforcers."
"The enforcers aren't to protect us from Carissa," Lara said.
"They're protection from unruly guests," Elisabeth said, "and we'd largely be an honor guard."
"And more politics," Lara said. "Especially as two of them are on the council."
"I'm still not satisfied," Portia said. "We need four on Michaela and two more on Lara. Even if the two of you agreed to remain side-by-side the entire evening, you know something will happen to separate you. If you're playing politics, that means accepting offers to dance."
"I agree with Portia," Karen said. "Alpha, you were intending the four of us to shadow the fox, weren't you? Who is going to shadow you?"
I could tell Lara didn't appreciate the implication she required protection.
I lifted a finger. "We're talking like we've decided we're going," I said. "Does anyone want to argue for more than six enforcers?"
They all looked back and forth. "No," Elisabeth said.
I pulled my phone from my pocket. "Let's see what she says," I suggested. I waited for Lara to nod. "Are we agreed we're not bringing the pups, but that we want to make an alternate suggestion for Carissa to meet them?"
"Yes," Lara said. "If we're playing politics, let's do it right."
She was surprising me, but I simply nodded. I found the number and called it. After two rings, a woman answered, and I recognized 'Jessie's' voice.
"This is Michaela Burns," I said. "Is she available?"
"Ah, Ms. Burns," said Jessie. "Let me check. I promise not to cut you off this time, but if I do, can she call you back at the same number as last time?"
"Yes," I said. She put me on hold.
Lara had heard the entire exchange. "This time?" She quoted back. "The same number as last time?"
"I had a question for Deirdre," I said quickly. "Didn't I tell you?"
"No," Lara said frostily. "What question?"
"The same question I asked Elisabeth," I said. "Am I the last living fox? Deirdre told me she thought there were others."
"Oh honey," Lara said. She put her arm around me and pulled me against her.
"I didn't want to tell you for the same reason I didn't think I should show you this invitation."
"It's all right," Lara said. "I'm sure there are other foxes."
"It's only a matter of time, Lara," I said. "When the world was less populated, there were more places for us to hide, but that's gotten harder and harder over the last few decades." I looked away.
Then there were clicks on the phone, and Carissa said, "Michaela! How good to hear from you."
"Hello, Carissa," I said. "We received your invitation, and as you can imagine, it has caused quite a stir. I'm sitting with Lara and our security detail discussing it. Do you have a few minutes?"
"For you, Michaela, of course," she said. "I can imagine the debate."
"Very little debate, actually," I said. "Do you mind if I put you on speaker?"
"That would be lovely."
I pushed the proper buttons and set the phone on the table. "Carissa, with me are the wolves you already met: Lara, Elisabeth, Serena and Karen. Also with us is Portia. She is a key component of my personal detail. We're in Elisabeth's dining room and otherwise have