Foxe Hunt

Foxe Hunt by Haley Walsh Read Free Book Online

Book: Foxe Hunt by Haley Walsh Read Free Book Online
Authors: Haley Walsh
Tags: Suspense
are you?”
    “You’re just a wee young lad, aren’t you?”
    “And you’re an old geezer, in gay years.” It was a joke, but the subtle change in Keith’s expression said he didn’t find it particularly funny. Skyler hastily added, “Did I mention that I happen to like older men?”
    Keith finished and wiped his lips with his napkin. “Well,” he said, tossing down the cloth. “I think it’s time for dessert.”
    Foxe hunt 37
    “Oh. Okay. I don’t know what I’ve got. Some more fruit.
    Maybe granola and yogurt…”
    “Skyler. I meant in the bedroom.”
    He looked up. Keith’s eyes twinkled at him. “Oh!” He seemed to float up from his chair. Keith took him by the hand and escorted him back to the bed.
    Keith was pressing him down into the mattress while sucking on Skyler’s lips when the phone rang. He stopped and looked enquiringly at his bed mate. With a whimper, Skyler scooted to the edge of the bed, his sweat pants now dangling around his knees, and grabbed the phone.
    “This better be good!” he growled into the mouthpiece.
    “So?” said Sidney’s voice. “How was the date?”
    Skyler glanced at Keith before cupping the receiver in his other hand. “It’s still going on—” he whispered desperately.
    “It is? Oh shit. Dude! He’s there with you right now, isn’t he?
    Are you guys in bed? Are you doing it?”
    “Well, usually the trick is gone by now—”
    “He’s not a trick!” he tried to say quietly, but Keith could hardly avoid hearing. “I’ll call you later.” He hung up. Sheepishly, he turned to Keith who was smiling broadly.
    “Not a trick, huh? That means you had a good time and consider me more than a one night stand?”
    “Um…I guess. Well…yeah. I like you.”
    “I like you, too. Frankly, I think you’re adorable.”
    Skyler toed off his sweatpants and slid into Keith’s arms again, stroking those hard biceps. “It’s very mutual.”
    “So where were we?”
    § § §
    It was a couple of hours and one more shower later that Keith finally went to the door. And after a lingering kiss in which 38 Haley Walsh
    Skyler’s toes curled and he had a hard time letting go, the man sauntered out, giving Skyler a long backwards glance. When Skyler couldn’t see him anymore, he closed the door and leaned his face against it was a long sigh. “Holy fuck,” he breathed. That had gone far better than he ever imagined. Maybe dating wasn’t so bad, after all.
    He pushed away from the door, switched on his iPod, and punched in Dreamgirls on the big speakers.
    Who was he kidding? It was spectacular! Keith was not only a superb lover but someone easy to connect with. He loved talking to the guy, looking at him, being with him.
    He pulled up short. Wait. This was going way too fast. Too much too soon. Had to pull back a bit before he got into trouble.
    He breathed out a long exhale. “Take it slow, Skyler,” he told himself. “Give yourself a moment to breathe. Play it cool.”
    He grabbed his cell phone to call Sidney and noticed a message waiting for him from a number he didn’t recognize. He punched it in and listened.
    “Skyler, it’s Evan,” said the voice, “Evan Fargo.” Skyler felt a jolt in his chest. He should have called them right away but had completely forgotten. Instead, he had gotten caught up in the drama of his own life. Evan and Jeff were having a real time of it.
    “Anyway, I just wanted to say,” said Evan , “that seeing you the other night really lifted my spirits. You always had that effect on me, Sky. I’ve been pretty low lately, as you probably imagined.
    But…well. Jeff is such a sweetheart. I know he’s been running himself ragged doing the impossible. I know it’s pretty hopeless, but I had to let him try. Let’s get together soon, Skyler. Call me.”
    Skyler clicked his phone closed. Well, that was something good, at least. What happened to Jeff and Evan shouldn’t happen to anyone.

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