Freed by You

Freed by You by Danielle Fox Read Free Book Online

Book: Freed by You by Danielle Fox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Danielle Fox
man released my arm instantly and I instinctively began to rub at the spot where his hand had been.
    “Are you okay?” Mr Scott asked, turning his head in my direction whilst digging his strong fingers even deeper into the punter’s face.
    His expression switched instantly as he looked at me. His eyes calmed and now I saw concern and compassion.
    “I’m fine, thank you.”
    “Wait here, don’t move,” he ordered and I watched, speechless, as he placed a firm hand around the back of the man’s neck, the other held his arm tightly around his back as he escorted the man across the busy dance floor and through the back door.
    I shuddered at the thought of what Mr Scott might be capable of once he had him outside the building. Why was he leading him through the back door instead of the main exit? Then the reality of the situation hit me in the form of a violent image that clouded my head. It was an image I did not welcome and furthermore could not condone. Mr Scott could get into serious trouble because of me, or worse, he could get hurt. I rounded the bar to where Gemma was standing, polishing glasses, unaware of any commotion.
    “Gemma, cover for me I won’t be long,” I called to her, the urgency clearly evident in my raised voice and no doubt panicked expression. She nodded in agreement and I ran across the dance floor towards the back exit.

Chapter Five
    As I burst through the back door Julian’s head snapped round to face his imposer. I saw the same angered expression on his beautiful face; his jaw set tight, his eyes glaring. He was towered over a limp figure on the floor. Oh God, no, Julian !
    I was frozen to the spot where I stood at the top of the iron staircase, unsure of my next actions as he glared at me wildly. He turned his face to look at the man lying on the floor beneath him. When his eyes met mine again, every trace of anger had vanished. He looked at me with soft, almost pleading eyes. A grim expression set across his face as his jaw visibly relaxed, his mouth still set in a thin line.
    “Mr Scott?” I wasn’t sure what to say. He suddenly looked so helpless, so vulnerable. My mind seemed to forget the man lying as still as stone on the wet ground as my eyes rapidly scanned Mr Scott’s face, trying to gauge his reaction as I spoke. A deep furrow marred his brows.
    “It’s Julian.” He sounded even more defeated than he looked, his voice was low and trembling as his entire body shook noticeably . What’s Julian ? What is he talking about?
    “I’m sorry?”
    “It’s Julian. My name is Julian, to you.”
    “Um, I’m sorry?” My voice was laced with sarcasm as I spoke. “You’ve just beaten a man to a pulp for touching my arm and you think now is an appropriate moment for us to become acquainted on first name terms?”
    “No one has the right to touch a woman without her prior acceptance, Emily. No one!”
    “And no one has the right to beat seven shades of shit out of a helpless drunk either, Julian !”
    He looked down at the man beneath him, looking sombre once more as he turned his attention back to me. “He deserved it. No one gets to put their hands on you like that, Emily, not while I’m around.”
    I watched as another wave of vulnerability flashed behind his saddened eyes. I wanted to go to him. I wanted to hold him close and tell him it was okay. But it wasn’t. Why the ever changing emotions of a man I barely knew were affecting me so strongly, was beyond me. How was it that the only image filling my head right now was one of me stroking my fingertips softly down this mans pained features? I wanted to soothe him, to comfort him. But I didn’t.
    “Why do you care?” I snapped. “You don’t even know me! I could have handled him myself!” My voice was raised now and I could feel the heat spreading across my cheeks as my anger began to course through me. He didn’t reply, he simply dropped to his knees beside the man who had begun to writhe around on the ground, his

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