Freedom Fight: Beginnings Series Book 9

Freedom Fight: Beginnings Series Book 9 by Jacqueline Druga Read Free Book Online

Book: Freedom Fight: Beginnings Series Book 9 by Jacqueline Druga Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jacqueline Druga
his mind because it frightened her a little. Perhaps that was why she waited for him to speak first.
    Frank waited long time before speaking. He cleared his throat subtly, swallowed harshly and kissed her on her forehead before saying a word. “I’m sorry.” He kissed her again. “I know it wasn’t very . . . it wasn’t very good tonight.”
    Ellen lifted herself up on her elbow and looked down at him. He kept staring. “What are you talking about, Frank? I loved making love to you.”
    Frank shifted his eyes to look at her. “Tomorrow will be better. I promise.”
    “Frank,” Ellen spoke softly. “You’re missing the point here.” She kissed him lightly. “Making love isn’t always about making your body feel good. It’s about making you feel good, right here.” She laid her hand over his heart. “Right now, at this point in our lives, love making isn’t a performance issue; it’s healing issue. And that, for me, you’re doing great. I wish I could help you though.”
    “You have with just this.” He pulled her back down to him. “Even though we have to sleep in the truck.” He felt Ellen chuckle. “Actually . . .” He looked up at the sky. “It’s not that bad. It’s so open out here. I feel alone with you which was the whole point of this trip.”
    “That too.” His kissed her on the top of the head then whined some when in the distance, from the cabin he heard the phone ringing. “Man, Robbie again. What’s he trying to do, get all the calls he can in before the batteries die?”
    “Maybe it’s important.”
    “El, the last time he called he wanted to know if he could borrow my spare shoulder harness, come on. I’ll call him back in a little bit. Right now . . .” He pulled Ellen as close as he could. “I just want to enjoy this.”
    Johnny Slagel would not have thought it odd seeing Henry pacing around Beginnings at ten o’clock at night. Henry often paced, sometimes too fast to even consider it pacing. Standing in the doorway of the social hall, watching Henry made Johnny laugh. Henry actually paced as if he were on a mission. He carried a notebook and walked backwards most of the time. He’d scratch his head, move on, and scratch his head again. Johnny knew it was time to step in.
    “Henry!” Johnny called to him.
    “Shh.” Henry held up his hand “Distribution . . . back to mechanics . . . . the chapel . . . wait, Dean and . . .”
    “Henry, what are you doing?”
    “Going nuts. I’ve been over this a million times.”
    “Still trying to figure out what it is you’re forgetting?”
    “Yes.” Henry nodded his head. “It’s gnawing at me like nothing ever has.”
    “Can I help?” Johnny asked.
    “I don’t think you can.”
    “Sure I can. I think I know what it is?”
    “You do? Why didn’t you say anything?”
    “I wasn’t allowed.”
    “What is it?” Henry asked with impatience.
    “Try this . . . Nick.”
    “What about him?” Henry asked, then after a second his eyes widened. “Oh my God! Oh my God!” Henry began to run in circles. “I lost my son! Where did I put him?” Henry grabbed on to his own head. “Think. Think. Think. Think.”
    “Henry.” Johnny said his name with a laugh. “My Pap has him.”
    Henry looked up to him. “What?”
    “Actually he does now. Danny took him to the nursery this morning where Andrea picked him up. He’s been there all night.” Johnny started to laugh when Henry took off for the living section.
    “Joe!” Henry bolted into Joe’s house.
    “Sorry.” Henry backed up, knocked and ran back in. “Joe!”
    “Yes Henry?” Joe stood from the couch.
    Henry took a moment to calm down. “This is . . . this is a little embarrassing. But . . . do you have Nick?”
    “What if I told you I didn’t?”
    “Oh, Joe, please, I’d die. Do you?”
    Joe grumbled and walked to the steps yelling up. “Andrea! He remembered!” Joe looked back at Henry. “She’s giving him

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